Rhia Julie Roth


We found the following information about Rhia Julie Roth at Lathrop & Gage Llp, where Rhia Julie Roth has worked as a Partner since 2011. Rhia's total work experience is over 13 years, during which time this professional had a job at one company to develop skills. Rhia studied at the University of Kansas School of Law from 2002 to 2002. Rhia Julie Roth has the certification in Registered Health Information Administrator (Rhia) Currently, Rhia lives in Overland Park, Kansas. You can contact with Rhia by looking for phone or email address or get further info by requesting access to Rhia's additional details from Connexy.
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Rhia Roth

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
Overland Park, KS


Lathrop & Gage LLP

Kansas City, MO


Law Practice, Legal Services, Grocery Stores, Libraries & Archives

Work History


2345 Grand Blvd SUITE 2200, Kansas City, MO 64108
Lathrop & Gage was founded in 1873 on the heartland principles of honor, service, trust and value, and we are committed to serving our clients in the same unwavering manner today.We provide ...
from Jun 2011



Biotechnology Professional
Real Estate Broker
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Law Specialist
Chief Executive
Biological Scientist
Property Manager
Real Estate Manager



FAQs about Rhia Julie Roth

What is the profession of Rhia Julie Roth?

This professional's job is Partner

What are the main profession of This expert?

These person's professions are Executive and Partner

Where is Rhia Julie Roth located?

The expert is currently located in Overland Park, Kansas.

Where did Rhia Julie Roth work?

This professional worked at Lathrop & Gage Llp.

What education does Rhia Julie Roth have?

Rhia studied at the University of Kansas School of Law from 2002 to 2002.

Are there any professional certifications, that Rhia Julie Roth has?

The professional received the following certifications: Registered Health Information Administrator (Rhia).

Are there any special industries Rhia Julie Roth is connected to?

This professional works in Law Practice industry.

Are there any professional skills, that Rhia Julie Roth has?

This professional has such skills as Attorneys.