Reza Takeshi

Production Manager

We found the following information about Reza Takeshi at California Lithographers, where Reza has worked as a Production Manager/Senior Buyer since 2007. Reza's total work experience is over nine years, during which time this professional had at least three jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Reza studied at the St. Mary's College of California from 2002 to 2005. Reza Takeshi currently is located in San Francisco, California. You can contact with Reza by looking for phone number or email or find exhaustive information by requesting access to Reza Takeshi's further details.
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Reza Takeshi

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
San Francisco, CA


Production Manager/Senior Buyer

Concord, CA


Printing, Lithographic Commercial Printing, Commercial Printing-Lithograph, Commercial Lithographic Printing

Work History

Production Manager/Senior Buyer

california lithographers
overseeing the production process, drawing up a production schedule; ensuring that the production is cost effective; making sure that products are produced on time and are of good quality; w...
from Jun 2007

Project Manager

california lithographers
Accountable for accomplishing the stated project objectives. Key responsibilities include creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing t...
Jun 2005 — Jun 2007

Shipping manager

california lithographers
1998 — Jun 2005



Production Manager
Production Director
Sales Specialist
Equipment Tools Purchasing Agent
Project Manager
Buyer and Seller
Sales Representative
Department Store Salesperson
Retail Salesperson
Project Managers

FAQs about Reza Takeshi

What's the main profession of Reza Takeshi?

The expert is a Production Manager.

What jobs is Reza a professional at?

Reza Takeshi is a professional Executive and Production Manager jobs.

Where does Reza Takeshi currently live?

San Francisco, California is the place where Reza Takeshi currently lives

Where did Reza Takeshi work?

Reza worked at California Lithographers, California Lithographers.

Does Reza Takeshi have personal website or blog?

The expert`s website is

What education does Reza Takeshi have?

Reza studied at the St. Mary's College of California from 2002 to 2005.

What languages does Reza Takeshi speak?

Reza Takeshi speaks Farsi (Persian) and English.

What is professional industry that Reza Takeshi is connected to?

This person works in Printing industry.