Rebecca Kinneman Turetzkin

Director of Finance

We found the following information about Rebecca Kinneman Turetzkin at New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, where the professional has worked as a Director of Finance since 2010. Rebecca's total work experience is over 14 years, during which time the professional had at least two jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Rebecca studied at the Kean University from 1996 to 1996. Rebecca Kinneman Turetzkin currently lives in Wall Township, New Jersey. You can contact with Rebecca by looking for phone number or email address or find further info by requesting access to the professional's further details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Rebekah Turetzkin, Becky Turetzkin, Beckie Turetzkin, Becca Turetzkin, Beck Turetzkin, Reba Turetzkin

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 10, 2022
Wall Township, NJ


New Jersey Chamber of Commerce
Director of Finance

Trenton, NJ


Government Relations, Business Association

Work History

Director of Finance

216 west State Street Ext, Trenton, NJ 08619
from Jun 2010

General Accounting Manager

200 State Hwy, Manalapan, NJ
Jul 1996 — May 2010


Financial Director
Civil Engineering
Financial Officer
Financial Manager
Operations Manager


Microsoft Excel
Accounts Receivable
Public Speaking
Contract Management
Financial Analysis

FAQs about Rebecca Kinneman Turetzkin

What's the profession of Rebecca Kinneman Turetzkin?

This professional's job is Director of Finance

What jobs is Rebecca a professional at?

Rebecca Kinneman Turetzkin is a professional such jobs as Executive and Financial Director.

Where is Rebecca Kinneman Turetzkin currently located?

The professional is located in Wall Township, New Jersey.

Does Rebecca have the email address?

bt** is Rebecca Kinneman Turetzkin's email address.

Where did Rebecca Kinneman Turetzkin work?

Rebecca worked at New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, Cmx.

Where has Rebecca Kinneman Turetzkin studied?

Rebecca studied at the Kean University from 1996 to 1996.

What is professional industry that Rebecca Kinneman Turetzkin is connected to?

Rebecca Kinneman Turetzkin works in Civil Engineering industry.

Are there any special skills Rebecca Kinneman Turetzkin has?

Rebecca has the following skills: Budgets, Microsoft Excel, Accounts Receivable, Outlook, Management, Accounting, Public Speaking, Contract Management, Powerpoint, Financial Analysis, and Budgeting.