Paulette Barrett

Communications Initiatives and Career Counsel

We found the following information about Paulette Barrett at Edelman, where the professional has worked as a General Manager; Executive Vice President since 1977. Paulette's total work experience is over 18 years, during which time Paulette had at least three jobs at different companies to develop skills. Paulette studied at the Columbia University - Graduate School of Journalism from 1957 to 1958. Paulette currently lives in New York, New York. You can contact with Paulette by searching for phone number or email or get further information by requesting access to this person's further details from us.
Name variants:
Paulette Barrett

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
New York, NY


General Manager; Executive Vice President


Public Relations and Communications

Work History

General Manager; Executive Vice President

250 Hudson St, New York, NY 10013
1977 — 1990

Communications Initiatives and Career Counsel

Communications Initiatives and Counseling for companies & individuals. Professional Skills Training in public relations. Career Coaching for individuals in transition.
from 1990

Executive Director Communications

130 east 59Th St, New York, NY 10022
1981 — 1986


Chief Executive Officer
Executive Vice President
Training and Coaching Professional
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive
Vice President
Professional Development Teacher
Psychology Specialist


Public Relations
Career Counseling
Leadership Development
Public Speaking
Executive Coaching
Strategic Planning
Communication Training
Non Profits
Strategic Communications
Organizational Development
Marketing Communications
Staff Development

FAQs about Paulette Barrett

What's the profession of Paulette Barrett?

This professional's job is Communications Initiatives and Career Counsel

What are the profession of Paulette Barrett?

These person's professions are Executive and Chief Executive Officer

Where does Paulette Barrett currently live?

New York, New York is the place where Paulette Barrett lives

Where did Paulette Barrett work?

The professional worked at Edelman, Barrett Communications Pty Ltd.

Where has Paulette Barrett studied?

Paulette studied at the Columbia University - Graduate School of Journalism from 1957 to 1958.

What languages does Paulette Barrett speak?

Paulette Barrett speaks French.

Are there any special industries Paulette Barrett is connected to?

This professional works in Professional Training & Coaching industry.

What are the skills of Paulette Barrett?

This professional has such skills as Public Relations, Career Counseling, Leadership Development, Public Speaking, Executive Coaching, Coaching, Strategic Planning, and Communication Training.