Paul Punzone

Borough mgr. and Owner, First agents service corp

Paul Punzone has been a Borough mgr. at atlantis. Furthermore, the professional has an employment history at more than two companies in the relevant field. Paul studied at the Saint John's University from 1958 to 1963. Paul can be found in New York, New York – where this person is currently located. You can contact with Paul by searching for phone or email address or get full information by requesting access to the professional's details.
Name variants:
Pauly Punzone, Pablo Punzone

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
New York, NY


Borough mgr.


Marketing and Advertising

Work History

Borough mgr.


1958 — 1963


Chief Executive

FAQs about Paul Punzone

What's the profession of Paul Punzone?

This professional's job is Borough mgr. and Owner, First agents service corp

What jobs is Paul a professional at?

Paul Punzone is proficient at Executive and Owner jobs.

Where does Paul Punzone live?

They lives in New York, New York.

Where did Paul Punzone work?

This person worked at atlantis, First agents service corp.

What education does Paul Punzone have?

Paul studied at the Saint John's University from 1958 to 1963.

Are there any special industries, that Paul Punzone works in?

Paul works in Insurance industry.