Paul Kugelman


We found the following information about Paul Kugelman at Dupont, where the professional has worked as a Plant Operations Management since 1972. Paul's total work experience is over 31 years, during which time Paul had at least four jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Paul studied at the University of Pennsylvania - School of Arts & Science from 1998 to 2002. Currently, Paul is located in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. You can contact with Paul by looking for phone or email address or find additional info by requesting access to the professional's additional details from us.
Name variants:
Pauly Kugelman, Pablo Kugelman

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
Collegeville, PA


Plant Operations Management

Remington, IN


Soybean Oil Mill

Work History

Plant Operations Management

974 Centre Rd, Wilmington, DE 19805
Plant management career with DuPont; first line supervisor through plant manager. Retired as Director of Manufacturing, Advanced Material Systems Division.
1972 — Dec 1996


from Dec 1995

President and Principal Consultant

Client list includes successful engagements with companies in the energy sector production and construction, integrated steel production, utilities, mining and transportation. Development...
from 1995

Research Assistant

Assisted researchers with exploration of the fundamental physics of radio, radar and their uses. Published in 1974 for work with a team of 2 other researchers making ground breaking discover...
Jan 1965 — Dec 1972


Plant Manager
Chief Executive
Production Manager
Operations Manager


Safety Culture Improvement
Change Management
Organizational Development
Organizational Effectiveness
Personal Development
Management Consulting
Strategic Planning
Interim Management
Executive Coaching
Cross Functional Team Leadership
Performance Improvement
New Business Development
Continuous Improvement
Process Improvement
Business Process Improvement

FAQs about Paul Kugelman

What is the profession of Paul Kugelman?

This professional's job is Owner

What jobs is Paul proficient at at?

Paul Kugelman is proficient at Executive and Owner jobs.

Where does Paul Kugelman live?

Collegeville, Pennsylvania is the place where Paul Kugelman lives

What is Paul Kugelman's email?

The professional's email is ku**

Where did Paul Kugelman work?

The expert worked at Dupont, Pathfinder Group.

What education does Paul Kugelman have?

Paul studied at the University of Pennsylvania - School of Arts & Science from 1998 to 2002.

What is professional industry that Paul Kugelman is connected to?

Paul Kugelman works in Management Consulting industry.

Are there any professional skills, that Paul Kugelman has?

Paul has skills in the following areas: Safety Culture Improvement, Change Management, Organizational Development, Organizational Effectiveness, Personal Development, and Management Consulting.