Paul Graham

Paul Graham

Partner in Moore Graham Sales, Inc. and MGM Sales LLC

We found the following information about Paul Graham at Chem Link Inc., where Paul has worked as a Regional Manager since 1995. Paul's total work experience is over 13 years, during which time Paul had at least three jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Paul studied at the Texas Tech University from 1968 to 1973. Paul Graham currently lives in Dallas, Texas. You can contact with Paul by looking for phone number or email or get further information by requesting access to Paul's additional details from us.
Name variants:
Pauly Graham, Pablo Graham

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jan 29, 2016
Dallas, TX


Chem Link Inc.
Regional Manager

Schoolcraft, MI


Building Materials, Mfg Adhesives/Sealants

Work History

Regional Manager

S W Region
MGM Sales and MGSI are Rep Organizations I do not ask for do you turn this off
from Nov 1995


We are Mfg. Reps. We set up two companies to add Angela Mollica to MGM Sales. MGM Sales - packages Sarnafil, RMAX insulation, USG Securock cover board, and TruFast fasteners as a system for ...
from Jan 1995


Started as the 2nd Sales Rep hired by Danny Adair at U S Intec. Served as a Regional Manager and later as National Sales Manager. Worked with Danny, 4 great Reg. Mgrs.- Rich Russack, Mike Sp...
Nov 1981 — Dec 1994


1968 — 1973


Chief Executive
Operations Manager
Independent Business Owners

FAQs about Paul Graham

What's the profession of Paul Graham?

This professional's job is Partner in Moore Graham Sales, Inc. and MGM Sales LLC

What are the profession of The expert?

These person's professions are Executive and Partner

Where does Paul Graham currently live?

Paul Graham currently lives in Dallas, Texas.

Where did Paul Graham work?

Paul Graham worked at Chem Link Inc., MGM Sales LLC and Moore Graham Sales, Inc..

Does Paul Graham have personal website or blog?

This professional`s website is and

Where has Paul Graham studied?

Paul studied at the Texas Tech University from 1968 to 1973.

What is the industry that Paul Graham worked in?

This person works in Building Materials industry.