Patrick Teff

Project Manager at Gss Inc

We found the following information about Patrick Teff at Gss Inc., where this professional has worked as a Project Manager at Gss Inc since 2015. Patrick's total work experience is over three years, during which time Patrick had at least three jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Patrick studied at the University of Iowa from 2007 to 2011. Patrick Teff received the following certifications: 40 Hour Hazwoper Certification, Iowa Certified Construction Site Pollution Prevention Inspector, and Iowa Certified Installer Construction Site Pollution Prevention Practices. Currently, Patrick lives in Waukee, Iowa. You can contact with Patrick by searching for phone or email address or find additional information by requesting access to their additional details.
Name variants:
Pat Teff, Paddy Teff, Patsy Teff, Rick Teff

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
pt**, pa**
Waukee, IA


GSS Inc.
Project Manager at Gss Inc


Management Consulting

Work History

Project Manager at Gss Inc

Urbandale, IA
Project Manager for GSS Inc. Extremely proficient in the completion of Phase I site assessments including the performance of field reconnaissance and report writing. Extensive experience in ...
from Aug 1, 2015

Environmental Scientist

MidAmerican Energy MVP 3 & 4 Transmission and Substation Projects Work alongside construction management and government agencies to ensure comprehensive environmental compliance throughout a...
Aug 2013 — Aug 2015

Environmental Lead and Environmental Scientist

SRP Pinal West to Pinal Cenral 500 kV Transmission Line Work alongside construction management and government agencies to ensure comprehensive environmental compliance throughout all phases ...
Sep 2012 — Aug 2013


Project Manager
Project Managers


Environmental Awareness
Environmental Compliance
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Office
Customer Service
Project Management
Customer Satisfaction
Social Networking
Environmental Permitting
Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Environmental Policy
Environmental Science
Technical Writing
Pollution Prevention
Stormwater Management
Time Management
Inventory Management
Microsoft Word
Multi Tasking
Strategic Planning
Event Management
Air Pollution
Phase 1

FAQs about Patrick Teff

What is the main profession of Patrick Teff?

This professional's job is Project Manager at Gss Inc

What are the main profession of This professional?

These person's professions are Project Manager

Where does Patrick Teff live?

The expert lives in Waukee, Iowa.

What is the expert's email?

The expert's email is pt** and pa**

Where did Patrick Teff work?

This person worked at Gss Inc., Energy Environmental Group.

Where has Patrick Teff studied?

Patrick studied at the University of Iowa from 2007 to 2011.

Are there any professional certifications, that Patrick Teff has?

Patrick received the following certifications: 40 Hour Hazwoper Certification and Iowa Certified Construction Site Pollution Prevention Inspector.

Are there any professional industries Patrick Teff works in?

Patrick works in Environmental Services industry.