Nik Harris is a highly qualified professional, who works in State of California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection on the position of Heavy Equipment Technician since 2003. This expert has earned professional experience in more than three positions at various companies. Nik Harris went to the Normandale Community College and was studying from 1995 to 1997. Lake Nacimiento, California is the area, where this person was lastly known to be located. Nik's email address and phone can be accessed through Connexy by request.
Name variants:
Nik Harris

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 1, 2022
Lake Nacimiento, CA
State of California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

Work History

Heavy Equipment Technician

from Jan 2003


Jan 2005 — Jun 2008

Territory Manager, Product Support Representative

Apr 1997 — May 2002


Sales Specialist
Equipment Tools Purchasing Agent
Government Official
Government Administration Professional
Department Store Salesperson
Retail Salesperson
Technical Specialist
Technical Support Specialists
Community Service Manager
Chief Executive


Public Safety
Emergency Management
Emergency Services
Program Management
Disaster Response
First Responder
Fire Management
Hazardous Materials
Fire Safety
Fire Protection
Homeland Security

FAQs about Nik Harris

What is the main profession of Nik Harris?

This professional's job is Heavy Equipment Technician

What are the main profession of Nik Harris?

These person's professions are Sales Specialist and Equipment Tools Purchasing Agent

Where does Nik Harris live?

Lake Nacimiento, California is the place where Nik Harris currently lives

Does the professional have the email address?

to** is The professional's email address.

Where did Nik Harris work?

Nik Harris worked at State of California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Central Coast Woodturning.

What education does Nik Harris have?

Nik studied at the Normandale Community College from 1995 to 1997.

What is professional industry that Nik Harris is connected to?

This professional works in Government Administration industry.

Are there any skills Nik Harris has?

This professional has such skills as Public Safety, Emergency Management, Emergency Services, Firefighting, Government, Program Management, Disaster Response, Preparedness, Rescue, and Nims.