Nick Dimarco

General Manager

We found the following information about Nick Dimarco at Hammacher Schlemmer, where this person has worked as a General Manager since 2017. Nick's total work experience is over 21 years, during which time this person had at least seven jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Nick attended school at the Iona College from 1995 to 1999. Arlington Hts, Illinois is the place where this professional presently lives. You can contact with Nick by searching for phone or email address or get further information by requesting access to this expert's details from us.
Name variants:
Dominic Dimarco, Nicholas Dimarco

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 11, 2022
ni**, ni**, ni**
Arlington Hts, IL


Hammacher Schlemmer
General Manager

Niles, IL


Retail, Ret Mail-Order House Variety Store, Marketing Consulting Svcs, Variety Stores

Work History

General Manager

9307 north Milwaukee Ave, Niles, IL 60714
from Jun 2017

Corporate Vice President and General Manager

9333 north Milwaukee Ave, Niles, IL 60714
Directs all Digital Marketing efforts for the Bradford Group, overseeing all aspects of New Client Acquisition and User Experience including Marketing, Mobile, Social Media, Brand Management...
Mar 2009 — Jun 2017

Vice President, Marketing

557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012
Jan 2005 — Jan 2009

Vice President, New Customer Acquisition

Jun 2001 — Jan 2005

Vice President, Marketing

8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Dr SUITE 500, Fairfax, VA 22031
Sep 1999 — Jun 2001

Director of Marketing

1996 — 1999

General Manager

9307 north Milwaukee Ave, Niles, IL 60714


Chief Executive Officer
Vice President
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive


Customer Acquisition
Multi Channel Marketing
E Commerce
Digital Marketing
Direct Marketing
Online Marketing
Marketing Strategy
Email Marketing
Database Marketing
Media Buying
Integrated Marketing
Product Development
New Business Development
Web Analytics
Brand Management
Business Development
Online Advertising
Catalog Marketing
Partnership Marketing
Digital Media
Lead Generation
Digital Strategy
Customer Retention
Affiliate Marketing
Direct Response Television
Quantitative Analytics
Direct To Consumer
Brand Development
Direct Mail
Interactive Marketing
Customer Relationship Management
Marketing Management
Mobile Marketing
Campaign Management
Customer Insight
Product Marketing
Mobile Devices
Loyalty Marketing
Marketing Research

FAQs about Nick Dimarco

What's the main profession of Nick Dimarco?

This professional's job is General Manager

What are the profession of The professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Chief Executive Officer

Where does Nick Dimarco currently live?

Arlington Hts, Illinois is the place where Nick Dimarco currently lives

What is the expert's email?

Nick's email is ni** and ni**

Where did Nick Dimarco work?

This person worked at Hammacher Schlemmer, The Bradford Group.

What education does Nick Dimarco have?

Nick studied at the Iona College from 1995 to 1999.

Are there any special industries, that Nick Dimarco is connected to?

Nick works in Retail industry.

What are the skills of Nick Dimarco?

This professional has the following skills: Customer Acquisition, Multi Channel Marketing, E Commerce, Digital Marketing, Direct Marketing, Crm, Online Marketing, Marketing Strategy, and Email Marketing.