For over zero years Mukesh Desai worked in different jobs. Recently, Mukesh Desai worked as a Senior Manager in Professional Retail Store Maintenance Association (PRSM) enhancing knowledge. You can find Mukesh Desai in Dallas, Texas, where he is located nowadays. Connexy has all the info you need to contact Mukesh Desai, such as this professional's phone or email address. Feel free to send us the request to get additional data.
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Mukesh Desai

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 6, 2022
Dallas, TX


Professional Retail Store Maintenance Association (PRSM)
Senior Manager

Dallas, TX


Retail, Business Association

Work History

Senior Manager

5000 Quorum Dr SUITE 700, Dallas, TX 75254


Senior Manager
Operations Manager

FAQs about Mukesh Desai

What's the profession of Mukesh Desai?

This professional's job is Senior Manager

What are the profession of This professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Senior Manager

Where does Mukesh Desai live?

Dallas, Texas is the place where Mukesh Desai currently lives

Where did Mukesh Desai work?

This professional worked at Professional Retail Store Maintenance Association (PRSM).