Michael Mannon

General Manager

We found the following information about Michael Mannon at Stewart Enterprises, where Michael Mannon has worked as a General Manager since 2009. Michael's total work experience is over five years, during which time the professional had at least three jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Michael Mannon currently lives in Roanoke, Virginia. You can contact with Michael by looking for phone number or email or find exhaustive information by requesting access to Michael Mannon's additional details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Mikael Mannon, Mychael Mannon, Mike Mannon, Mikey Mannon, Mick Mannon, Mickey Mannon, Micky Mannon, Michl Mannon, Mischa Mannon

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 10, 2022
Roanoke, VA


Stewart Enterprises
General Manager

New Orleans, LA


Consumer Services, Funeral and Cemetery Products and Services, Provides Funeral and Cemetery Products and Services, Funeral Service/Crematory, Funeral Homes, Service Establishment Equipment

Work History

General Manager

1333 south Clearview Pkwy, Jefferson, LA 70121
Stewart Enterprises, Inc. is a provider of funeral, and cemetery products and services in the death care industry in the United States. Through its subsidiaries, the Company provides a range...
from May 2009

General Sales Manager

2004 — 2008

General Sales Manager

Jan 2003 — Sep 2004


Chief Executive Officer
Sales Manager
Sales Director
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive

FAQs about Michael Mannon

What's the main profession of Michael Mannon?

The expert is a General Manager.

What are the main profession of The professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Chief Executive Officer

Where is Michael Mannon currently located?

Michael Mannon is currently located in Roanoke, Virginia.

Does Michael Mannon have the email address?

mm**@yahoo.com is The professional's email address.

Where did Michael Mannon work?

This expert worked at Stewart Enterprises, Barber Pauley.

Are there any professional industries, that Michael Mannon works in?

This person works in Consumer Services industry.