Matthew Turk

Executive Vice President of Operations and Business Development

We found the following information about Matthew Turk at Intren, Inc, where this expert has worked as a Vice President of Operations since 1999. Matthew's total work experience is over 17 years, during which time Matthew Turk had at least four jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Matthew studied at the Gies College of Business - University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign to 1994. Currently, Matthew is located in Chicago, Illinois. You can contact with Matthew by looking for phone or email or find full info by requesting access to the person's further details from us.
Name variants:
Mathew Turk, Matthieu Turk, Matt Turk, Mat Turk, Matty Turk, Mattie Turk

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 12, 2022
mt**, ju**
Chicago, IL


Vice President of Operations

Union, IL


Construction, Nonclassifiable Establishments, Water/Sewer/Utility Construction

Work History

Vice President of Operations

18202 west Union Rd, Union, IL 60180
1999 — 2008

Executive Vice President of Operations and Business Development

18202 west Union Rd, Union, IL 60180
from 2008

Operations Director

18202 west Union Rd, Union, IL 60180
1995 — 1999

Safety Coordinator

18202 west Union Rd, Union, IL 60180
1991 — 1995


Vice President of Operations
Vice President
Chief Executive


Strategic Planning
Financial Analysis
Creative Solutions Provider
Leadership Mentoring
Team Motivation

FAQs about Matthew Turk

What is the main profession of Matthew Turk?

This professional's job is Executive Vice President of Operations and Business Development

What jobs is Matthew proficient at at?

The expert is a professional such jobs as Executive and Vice President of Operations.

Where does Matthew Turk live?

Chicago, Illinois is the place where Matthew Turk lives

What is the professional's email?

Matthew Turk's email is mt** and ju**

How many companies did Matthew Turk work at?

Matthew Turk worked at four jobs.

Where has Matthew Turk studied?

Matthew studied at the Gies College of Business - University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign to 1994.

What is the industry that Matthew Turk is connected to?

This person works in Construction industry.

Are there any skills, that Matthew Turk has?

This professional has skills in the following areas: Strategic Planning, Financial Analysis, Creative Solutions Provider, Leadership Mentoring, and Team Motivation.