Martina Collom

Marketing Director

We found the following information about Martina Collom at Core Design, Inc., where Martina has worked as a Marketing Director. Martina's total work experience is over zero years, during which time Martina Collom had a job at one company to develop professional skills. Martina studied at the Pacific Lutheran University from 1999 to 2003. Martina currently is located in Bellevue, Washington. You can contact with Martina by looking for phone number or email or find additional information by requesting access to this person's additional details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Martine Collom, Marty Collom, Martie Collom, Tina Collom

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 10, 2022
mc**, ma**
Bellevue, WA


Core Design, Inc.
Marketing Director

Bellevue, WA


Civil Engineering

Work History

Marketing Director

12100 northeast 195Th St SUITE 300, Bothell, WA 98011
Core Design, Inc. is a privately owned team of professionals and technicians that specialize in Planning, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Civil Engineering and Surveying services fo...



Marketing Director
Health Specialist
Civil Engineering
Chief Executive


Logo Design
Adobe Creative Suite
Website Design
Stationary Design
Print Advertising
Customer Service
Interior Design
Project Management
Project Estimation
Sketchup Architectural Renderings

FAQs about Martina Collom

What is the main profession of Martina Collom?

Martina Collom is a Marketing Director.

What are the profession of Martina Collom?

These person's professions are Executive and Marketing Director

Where does Martina Collom live?

Martina Collom lives in Bellevue, Washington.

Does Martina have the email address?

mc** and ma** is Martina Collom's email address.

Where did Martina Collom work?

Martina Collom worked at Core Design, Inc..

What education does Martina Collom have?

Martina studied at the Pacific Lutheran University from 1999 to 2003.

What is the industry that Martina Collom is connected to?

This person works in Design industry.

Are there any special skills, that Martina Collom has?

This person has skills in the following areas: Brochures, Logo Design, Adobe Creative Suite, Website Design, Stationary Design, Print Advertising, Customer Service, Advertising, and Interior Design.