Martha Moak

Information Operations Manager

We found the following information about Martha Moak at White Flower Farm, where the professional has worked as a Information Operations Manager since 1988. Martha's total work experience is over five years, during which time this expert had at least two jobs at different places to develop skills. Martha studied at the Wamogo Regional High School from 1980 to 1983. Martha Moak currently is located in Hartford, Connecticut. You can contact with Martha by searching for phone or email or get exhaustive info by requesting access to this expert's further details.
Name variants:
Marta Moak, Marty Moak, Martie Moak, Mat Moak, Mattie Moak, Matty Moak, Pat Moak, Pattie Moak, Patty Moak, Dolly Moak, Moll Moak, Molly Moak, Patsy Moak

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 10, 2022
mm**, ma**
Hartford, CT


Information Operations Manager



Work History

Information Operations Manager

from Mar 1988

Greenhouse Ops Manager

Jun 1983 — Jan 1988



Operations Manager
Director of Operations


Project Management
Garden Design
Microsoft Excel
E Commerce
Network Administration
Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft Word
Web Design
Operations Management
Office Management
Customer Service
Vendor Management

FAQs about Martha Moak

What's the profession of Martha Moak?

This professional's job is Information Operations Manager

What are the main profession of Martha Moak?

These person's professions are Executive and Operations Manager

Where does Martha Moak live?

Hartford, Connecticut is the place where Martha Moak lives

Does Martha Moak have the email address?

mm** and ma** is The expert's email address.

Where did Martha Moak work?

This person worked at White Flower Farm, Lexington Gardens.

Where has Martha Moak studied?

Martha studied at the Wamogo Regional High School from 1980 to 1983.

Are there any professional industries Martha Moak is connected to?

This person works in Retail industry.

What are professional skills of Martha Moak?

This professional has such skills as Horticulture, Garden, Project Management, Garden Design, Microsoft Excel, E Commerce, Analysis, Network Administration, Microsoft Exchange, and Microsoft Word.