Mark Collin

Mark Collin

VP Sales

We found the following information about Mark Collin at Smart Circle International, where this professional has worked as a VP Sales since 2008. Mark's total work experience is over 60 years, during which time the professional had at least 14 jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Mark studied at the York University from 1979. Mark currently lives in New York, New York. You can contact with Mark by searching for phone or email address or find additional information by requesting access to this person's additional details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Marc Collin, Marcus Collin, Markus Collin, Marquis Collin, Mark Collin

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Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
New York, NY


Smart Circle International
VP Sales

Foothill Ranch, CA


Marketing and Advertising, Direct Marketing/Sales, Direct Marketing, Direct Retail Sales, Management Consulting Services

Work History

VP Sales

from Mar 2008

Vice President Business Development

New York, NY
Dec 2003 — Dec 2004

VP Business Development

New York, NY, USA
Leading business development, sales activities and revenue growth of sales and distribution organization. Strong presentation skills and persuasive communicator. Indentify and report on new ...
Dec 2003 — Dec 2004

National Sales Director

United States
Develop strategic plan for market penetration of national account prospects. Set monthly, quarterly and annual review goals. Develop and maintain relationships with C-Level decision makers. ...
Mar 2001 — Dec 2003

Regional Sales Director

East Coast, USA
Responsible for hiring and training account managers. Excellent recruiter. Developed ads for account manager position and posted on-line and in newspapers. Conducted interviews and made hiri...
Jan 1996 — Feb 2001

Account Manager

New York, NY
Aug 1991 — Dec 1996

Account Manager

New York, NY, USA
Relocated from Toronto Canada. Hired as a sales consultant for Smart Circle responsible for developing,signing and managing new clients for promotional advertising and marketing campaigns i...
Aug 1991 — Dec 1995

Sales and Business Devlopment Consultant

New York, NY, USA
Business development and sales consulting for B to B and B to C companies. Clients include: • Intertainment Media Inc. - formulate operating and marketing budget for Dealfrenzy business un...
Aug 1991 — Sep 1992

VP Sales and Business Development

New York, NY, USA
Responsible for hiring and training sales organization (120 account reps) charged with signing and maintaining clients nationwide for Smart Circle marketing and sales promotions. Hire and ma...
from Aug 1991

Vice President of Sales and Business Development

New York, NY
Jan 1991 — Dec 2013

Western Division Sales Manager

Toronto, Canada Area
Doverco is a distribution company that imports and manufactures industrial and packaging supplies and equipment. • Responsible for hiring, training upgrading and mentoring a sales team of 1...
Jan 1986 — Aug 1991

Sales Manager and National Distribution Manager

Toronto, ON
Jan 1986 — Aug 1991

Account Manager

Account Manager for one of Canada's largest corrugated packaging manufacturers. Responsible for soliciting new business in the greater Toronto area. Sold corrugated boxes, tape, stretch wrap...
Jul 1976 — Dec 1985

Regional Sales Manager


Bachelor of Arts in History & Psychology

Toronto, ON
from May 1979


Vice President of Sales
Advertising Professional
Sales Director
Vice President
Chief Executive
Advertising Sales Agent
Sales Manager


Lead Generation
Direct Sales
Team Building
Work Ethic

FAQs about Mark Collin

What is the profession of Mark Collin?

This professional's job is VP Sales

What are the main profession of Mark?

These person's professions are Executive and Vice President of Sales

Where is Mark Collin currently located?

Mark is currently located in New York, New York.

Where did Mark Collin work?

Mark worked at Smart Circle International, Smart Circle International.

Does Mark Collin have personal website or blog?

Mark Collin`s website is and

What education does Mark Collin have?

Mark studied at the York University from 1979.

What are the awards Mark Collin received?

This person received awards and these awards are: President's Club and President's Club.

What is the industry that Mark Collin worked in?

This professional works in Marketing and Advertising industry.