Marie Miller

Director of Continuous Improvement

We found the following information about Marie Miller at AIA Corporation, where Marie has worked as a Director of Continuous Improvement since 2012. Marie's total work experience is over eight years, during which time Marie had at least four jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Marie studied at the Fox Valley Technical College from 1998 to 2000. This expert received the following certifications: Mas+, Lean Enterprise Project Certification, and Fox Valley Technical College. Marie currently is located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. You can contact with Marie by looking for phone number or email address or find further info by requesting access to this expert's further details from us.
Name variants:
Mary Miller

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 5, 2022
Oshkosh, WI


AIA Corporation
Director of Continuous Improvement

Neenah, WI


Marketing and Advertising, Whol Nondurable Goods, Wholesales Nondurable Goods

Work History

Director of Continuous Improvement

Establish and maintain a continuous improvement environment utilizing lean methodologies and comprehensive training programs.
from Feb 2012

Director of Education and Planning

Develop curriculum, coordinate classes and manage the education programs for the AIA owner network and staff. We utilize instructor led training as well as on-line learning as our primary m...
Oct 2005 — Feb 2012

Manager/Director of IT

Managed an IT Help Desk/Software Development team of 5 people. Supervised the development and use of our proprietary software system and all other software applications exclusive to AIA. Wro...
Apr 2004 — Oct 2005


800 Winneconne Ave, Neenah, WI 54956


Development Director
Advertising Professional
HR Manager
Operations Manager
Advertising Sales Agent
Chief Executive


Continuous Improvement
Project Management
Team Leadership
Creative Solutions
Process Improvement
Lean Management
Strategic Planning
Customer Focused Service
Business Analysis
Marketing Strategy
New Business Development
Program Management
Cross Functional Team Leadership
Account Management
Trade Shows
Direct Marketing
Marketing Communications
Business Development
Business Process Improvement
Team Building
Customer Satisfaction
Problem Solving
Data Analysis
Lean Six Sigma
Leadership Development

FAQs about Marie Miller

What's the main profession of Marie Miller?

This professional's job is Director of Continuous Improvement

What are the profession of The expert?

These person's professions are Executive and Development Director

Where does Marie Miller live?

Marie lives in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

How many companies did Marie Miller work at?

The professional worked at four jobs.

Does Marie Miller have personal website or blog?

This professional`s website is

Where has Marie Miller studied?

Marie studied at the Fox Valley Technical College from 1998 to 2000.

What are the certifications of Marie Miller?

The professional received the following certifications: Mas+, Lean Enterprise Project Certification, Fox Valley Technical College, and Ppai - Promotional Products Association International.

Are there any special industries Marie Miller is connected to?

Marie Miller works in Marketing And Advertising industry.