Margaret McRobbie

Administrative Intern

Since 2012, Margaret McRobbie has been working in Syracuse City School District. This professional is a well-qualified Administrative Intern with over 15 years of work experience. According to Margaret's CV and work profile, this professional has worked at more than three companies with diverse backgrounds and got different skills. Margaret attended school at the School name:Syracuse University School of Education from 2010 to 2013. Margaret can be found in Syracuse, New York – where this expert currently lives. You can search for this professional's contacts. We can also provide you additional contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Margarita Mcrobbie, Marguerite Mcrobbie, Margret Mcrobbie, Maggie Mcrobbie, Marge Mcrobbie, Margie Mcrobbie, Marjorie Mcrobbie, Margery Mcrobbie, Madge Mcrobbie, Margot Mcrobbie, Margo Mcrobbie, Magsie Mcrobbie, Maisie Mcrobbie, Daisy Mcrobbie, Mamie Mcrobbie, Maidie Mcrobbie, Mae Mcrobbie, May Mcrobbie, Meg Mcrobbie, Megan Mcrobbie, Peggy Mcrobbie, Greta Mcrobbie, Gretchen Mcrobbie, Rita Mcrobbie, Dolly Mcrobbie, Fern Mcrobbie, Gretl Mcrobbie, Maggy Mcrobbie, Mame Mcrobbie, Midge Mcrobbie, Peg Mcrobbie

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Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Syracuse, NY


Syracuse City School District
Administrative Intern

Syracuse, NY


Primary/Secondary Education, Elementary/Secondary School, School District

Work History

Administrative Intern

from Oct 2012

English Teacher

Nov 2000 — Oct 2012

Teaching ELA- Ruffner and Rosemont Middle Schools

1997 — 2000


Chief Administrative Officer
English Language Teacher
Chief Executive
Student Worker
High School Teacher
Secondary School Teacher

FAQs about Margaret McRobbie

What is the profession of Margaret McRobbie?

This professional's job is Administrative Intern

What jobs is Margaret a professional at?

Margaret is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Chief Administrative Officer.

Where is Margaret McRobbie located?

Margaret McRobbie is located in Syracuse, New York.

How many companies did Margaret McRobbie work at?

The professional worked at three jobs.

What education does Margaret McRobbie have?

Margaret studied at the School name:Syracuse University School of Education from 2010 to 2013.

Are there any professional industries Margaret McRobbie is connected to?

This person works in Education Management industry.