Marc Lahiff

Director of Instruction at Laramie County School District #1

We found the following information about Marc Lahiff at Laramie County School District #1, where the professional has worked as a Director of Instruction at Laramie County School District #1 since 2004. Marc's total work experience is over 17 years, during which time they had at least three jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Marc studied at the Central High School. Marc Lahiff currently is located in Cheyenne, Wyoming. You can contact with Marc by searching for phone or email or find exhaustive info by requesting access to the person's further details.
Name variants:
Mark Lahiff

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 30, 2022
la**, ma**, la**
Cheyenne, WY


Laramie County School District #1
Director of Instruction at Laramie County School District #1

Cheyenne, WY


Primary/Secondary Education, Elementary/Secondary School, Elementary and Secondary Schools

Work History

Director of Instruction at Laramie County School District #1

2810 House Ave, Cheyenne, WY 82001
from Jun 1, 2004


2810 House Ave, Cheyenne, WY 82001
Jul 1, 1987 — Jul 1, 2004

Director of Instruction


School Principal
Operations Manager
School Administrator
Educational Manager


K 12
Educational Technology
Educational Leadership
Curriculum Development
Instructional Technology
Staff Development
Technology Integration
Classroom Management
Differentiated Instruction
Curriculum Design
Elementary Education
Lesson Planning
Instructional Design
Grant Writing
Data Analysis
Public Speaking
E Learning
Teacher Training
Distance Learning
Adult Education
Curriculum Mapping
Educational Consulting
Higher Education
Special Education

FAQs about Marc Lahiff

What's the main profession of Marc Lahiff?

The expert is a Director of Instruction at Laramie County School District #1.

What jobs is Marc proficient at at?

Marc Lahiff is proficient at Executive and Director jobs.

Where is Marc Lahiff currently located?

Marc Lahiff is currently located in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Does the professional have the email address?

la** and ma** is The expert's email address.

Where did Marc Lahiff work?

Marc worked at Laramie County School District #1, Laramie County School District #1.

What education does Marc Lahiff have?

Marc studied at the Central High School.

What is the industry that Marc Lahiff is connected to?

This professional works in Education Management industry.

Are there any professional skills Marc Lahiff has?

This person has the following skills: K 12, Educational Technology, Educational Leadership, Curriculum Development, Instructional Technology, Literacy, Staff Development, and Classroom.