Manuella Garlopeau Comstock

Sales Executive, Mid-Atlantic Area Sales Team

Manuella Garlopeau Comstock has been a Sales Manager in Annapolis Marriott Waterfront Hotel since 2008. Additionally, the person has on-the-job experience at more than four companies using similar skills. Manuella has a total work experience of eight+ years. Manuella Garlopeau Comstock studied at the ESVE in Paris, France. Today the person lives in Annapolis, Maryland region. You can find Manuella Garlopeau Comstock's actual phone number and email through Connexy search.
Name variants:
Manuella Comstock

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
mc**, mc**
Annapolis, MD


Annapolis Marriott Waterfront Hotel
Sales Manager

Annapolis, MD



Work History

Sales Manager

Annapolis, MD
from Oct 2008

Sales Coordinator / HR Assistant / Assistant of GM

Nov 2004 — Sep 2008

Front Office Manager - Assistant GM

Oct 2003 — May 2004

Assistant Marketing Manager

Sep 1998 — Aug 2001


Sales Specialist
Sales Executive
Sales Manager
Sales Director
Sales Coordinator
HR Specialist
Employment Assistant
Employee Placement Specialist

FAQs about Manuella Garlopeau Comstock

What's the main profession of Manuella Garlopeau Comstock?

This professional's job is Sales Executive, Mid-Atlantic Area Sales Team

What jobs is Manuella a professional at?

Manuella is proficient at Sales Specialist and Sales Executive jobs.

Where does Manuella Garlopeau Comstock live?

Annapolis, Maryland is the place where Manuella Garlopeau Comstock currently lives

What is Manuella Garlopeau Comstock's email?

The professional's email is mc** and mc**

How many companies did Manuella Garlopeau Comstock work at?

The professional worked at four jobs.

Does Manuella Garlopeau Comstock have personal website or blog?

The professional`s website is

What education does Manuella Garlopeau Comstock have?

Manuella studied at the ESVE in Paris, France.

Are there any industries Manuella Garlopeau Comstock works in?

This person works in Hospitality industry.