Lynette Fowler

Director of Product Development

We found the following information about Lynette Fowler at Car-Freshner Corporation, where this person has worked as a Director of Product Development. Lynette's total work experience is over zero years, during which time this person had a job at one company to develop skills. Lynette studied at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh from 1990 to 1994. Currently, Lynette Fowler is located in Syracuse, New York. You can contact with Lynette by searching for phone or email or get additional info by requesting access to the person's further details.
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Lynette Fowler

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Last Update
Jul 12, 2022
Syracuse, NY


CAR-FRESHNER Corporation
Director of Product Development

Watertown, NY


Consumer Goods, Mfg Polish/Sanitation Goods, Warehouse, Mfg Non Personal Air Fresheners

Work History

Director of Product Development

21205 Little Tree Dr, Watertown, NY
CAR-FRESHNER Corporation is the leading automotive air freshener company in the world. Known particularly for the world-famous LITTLE TREES air fresheners, it also has other brands including...


Director of Product Development
Brand Planner
Health Specialist
Certified Nurse Aide
IT Professional
Information Technology Specialist
Operations Manager
Brand Representative
Marketing Manager
Nurse Practitioner
IT Specialist

FAQs about Lynette Fowler

What's the main profession of Lynette Fowler?

Lynette Fowler is a Director of Product Development.

What are the profession of This professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Director of Product Development

Where does Lynette Fowler live?

Lynette Fowler currently lives in Syracuse, New York.

How many companies did Lynette Fowler work at?

Lynette Fowler worked at one jobs.

Where has Lynette Fowler studied?

Lynette studied at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh from 1990 to 1994.

What is the industry that Lynette Fowler is connected to?

This person works in Information Technology And Services industry.