Lori Huffman

Partner at Partners In Mission

We found the following information about Lori Huffman at Partners In Mission, where Lori Huffman has worked as a Partner at Partners In Mission since 2008. Lori's total work experience is over one years, during which time this expert had at least three jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Lori studied at the University of Dayton from 1996 to 2000. Lori currently is located in Portland, Oregon. You can contact with Lori by searching for phone or email or get full information by requesting access to this professional's further details.
Name variants:
Lora Huffman, Lorena Huffman, Loretta Huffman, Lorinda Huffman, Lorraine Huffman

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 5, 2022
lh**@partnersinmission.com, lo**@gmail.com
Portland, OR


Partners in Mission
Partner at Partners In Mission

Westwood, MA



Work History

Partner at Partners In Mission

124 Syacmore Dr, Westwood, MA
from Aug 2008


Jul 2007 — Jul 2008


from Jun 2007


1996 — 2000


Chief Executive

FAQs about Lori Huffman

What is the main profession of Lori Huffman?

Lori Huffman is a Partner at Partners In Mission.

What jobs is Lori proficient at at?

Lori is a professional Executive and Partner jobs.

Where is Lori Huffman located?

The professional is currently located in Portland, Oregon.

What is Lori's email?

Lori's email is lh**@partnersinmission.com and lo**@gmail.com.

How many companies did Lori Huffman work at?

Lori Huffman worked at three jobs.

Where has Lori Huffman studied?

Lori studied at the University of Dayton from 1996 to 2000.

Are there any special industries, that Lori Huffman works in?

Lori Huffman works in Fund-Raising industry.