Liz Trego

Assistant Vice President and Executive Assistant

We found the following information about Liz Trego at San Diego Private Bank, where Liz Trego has worked as a Assistant Vice President and Executive Assistant since 2013. Liz's total work experience is over 21 years, during which time this expert had at least six jobs at different companies to develop skills. Liz Trego currently is located in San Diego, California. You can contact with Liz by searching for phone number or email or get further information by requesting access to their additional details from us.
Name variants:
Elizabeth Trego

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 23, 2022
San Diego, CA


Assistant Vice President and Executive Assistant

La Jolla, CA



Work History

Assistant Vice President and Executive Assistant

from Jun 2013

Executive Assistant

11939 Rancho Bernardo Rd SUITE 200, San Diego, CA 92128
Executive Assistant to the President and CEO.
Feb 1, 2008 — Jun 1, 2012

Executive Assistant and Office Manager

Assistant to the President and Chief Executive Officer. Also performed New Account, Accounts Payable and Loan Processor responsibilities.
Aug 2006 — Feb 2008

Administrator Assistant

Assistant to the Chief Lending Officer.
2004 — 2006

Administrator Assistant Real Estate Department

1997 — 2004

Senior Loan Processor

270 Park Ave, New York, NY 10010
1986 — 1992


Assistant Vice President
Office Assistant
Assistant to the President
Chief Executive Officer
Vice President
Chief Executive
Office Clerk
Clerical Specialist
Administrative Associate
Corporate Executive


Executive Support
Customer Service
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Office
Mortgage Lending

FAQs about Liz Trego

What is the profession of Liz Trego?

This professional's job is Assistant Vice President and Executive Assistant

What jobs is Liz proficient at at?

Liz Trego is a professional such jobs as Executive and Assistant Vice President.

Where is Liz Trego located?

The expert is located in San Diego, California.

What is the expert's email?

Liz Trego's email is lr**

How many companies did Liz Trego work at?

The professional worked at six jobs.

What is professional industry that Liz Trego is connected to?

This person works in Banking industry.

What are the skills of Liz Trego?

Liz Trego has skills in the following areas: Executive Support, Loans, Customer Service, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, and Mortgage Lending.