Lisa Nolke

Business Development Associate

We found the following information about Lisa Nolke at LionShare Marketing, where the professional has worked as a Business Development Associate since 1998. Lisa's total work experience is over three years, during which time Lisa Nolke had at least two jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Lisa studied at the University of Redlands from 1990 to 1994. Lisa currently lives in Kansas City, Missouri. You can contact with Lisa by looking for phone number or email address or get full information by requesting access to Lisa Nolke's further details from us.
Name variants:
Alice Nolke, Elisa Nolke, Elizabeth Nolke, Melissa Nolke

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jan 29, 2016
Kansas City, MO


LionShare Marketing
Business Development Associate

Overland Park, KS


Marketing and Advertising, Direct Mail Ad Svcs Mgmt Consulting Svcs Coml Nonphysical Rsrch, Direct Mail Advertising Services Management Consulting Services, Mailing Service

Work History

Business Development Associate

from Sep 1998

Account Executive

Oct 1995 — Aug 1998


1990 — 1994
1986 — 1990


Business Development Associate
Advertising Professional
Sales Specialist
Account Service Manager
Operations Manager
Advertising Sales Agent
Client Service Officer
Customer Service

FAQs about Lisa Nolke

What is the main profession of Lisa Nolke?

The expert is a Business Development Associate.

What jobs is Lisa Nolke a professional at?

Lisa Nolke is a professional Business Development Associate jobs.

Where does Lisa Nolke live?

The expert lives in Kansas City, Missouri.

Where did Lisa Nolke work?

This expert worked at LionShare Marketing, ADP.

Does Lisa Nolke have personal webpage or blog?

This professional`s website is

What education does Lisa Nolke have?

Lisa studied at the University of Redlands from 1990 to 1994.

What is professional industry that Lisa Nolke is connected to?

This professional works in Marketing and Advertising industry.