Lindsey Fields

Assistant Director

We found the following information about Lindsey Fields at Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool, where this person has worked as a Assistant Director since 2019. Lindsey's total work experience is over 16 years, during which time Lindsey Fields had at least six jobs at different places to develop skills. Lindsey studied at the University of Texas at Austin. Currently, Lindsey Fields lives in Austin, Texas. You can contact with Lindsey by looking for phone or email address or find additional info by requesting access to Lindsey's further details.
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Lindsay Fields

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
Austin, TX


Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool
Assistant Director



Work History

Assistant Director

Austin, TX
from Oct 2019

Manager of Business Analysis

from Jan 2016

Lead Business Analyst and Special Projects Supervisor

Research, query databases and analyze data. Create custom queries and reports for company inquiries. Calculate experience modifiers, surcharges, payroll rate and equity returns. Assist manag...
Oct 2012 — Mar 2014

Underwriting Assistant Manager

May 2007 — Mar 2014

Special Projects Supervisor

May 2007 — Oct 2012

Senior Clerk

Oct 2003 — May 2005


Deputy Director
Deputy Manager
Chief Executive
Operations Manager


Data Analysis
Reporting and Analysis
Microsoft Sql Server
Microsoft Office
Ibm Iseries
Query Writing
Agile Methodolgy
Business Analysis
Business Requirements
Requirements Management

FAQs about Lindsey Fields

What is the main profession of Lindsey Fields?

Lindsey is a Assistant Director.

What jobs is Lindsey proficient at at?

Lindsey is proficient at Executive and Deputy Director jobs.

Where does Lindsey Fields live?

They currently lives in Austin, Texas.

Does Lindsey Fields have the email address?

lf** is Lindsey Fields's email address.

Where did Lindsey Fields work?

Lindsey worked at Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool, Tmlirp.

What education does Lindsey Fields have?

Lindsey studied at the University of Texas at Austin.

Are there any special industries Lindsey Fields is connected to?

This professional works in Insurance industry.

What are the skills of Lindsey Fields?

Lindsey has such skills as Data Analysis, Reporting and Analysis, Microsoft Sql Server, Microsoft Office, Cognos, Ibm Iseries, Paradox, Query Writing, Guidewire, Agile Methodolgy, and Xml.