Lesly Elizabeth Funez Perdomo

Import And Export

We found the following information about Lesly Elizabeth Funez Perdomo at Buscando Trabajo, where Lesly Elizabeth Funez Perdomo has worked as a Encargado De Compras since 2010. Lesly's total work experience is over six years, during which time this professional had at least three jobs at different places to develop professional skills. This professional has studied Spanish. San Francisco, California is the place where this professional presently lives. You can find this person's actual email address and number through our search.
Name variants:
Lesly Perdomo

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 6, 2022
San Francisco, CA


Encargado De Compras


Management Consulting

Work History

Encargado De Compras

Feb 2010 — Oct 2016

Asistente Administrativo

from Feb 2010


Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Outlook
Administrative Assistants
Customer Service
Office Administration
Liderazgo De Equipos

FAQs about Lesly Elizabeth Funez Perdomo

What's the main profession of Lesly Elizabeth Funez Perdomo?

The expert is a Import And Export.

Where does Lesly Elizabeth Funez Perdomo currently live?

The expert lives in San Francisco, California.

Where did Lesly Elizabeth Funez Perdomo work?

The professional worked at Buscando Trabajo, Netel Redes Y Comunicaciones De Honduras.

What languages does Lesly Elizabeth Funez Perdomo speak?

Lesly Elizabeth Funez Perdomo speaks Spanish.

What are special skills of Lesly Elizabeth Funez Perdomo?

Lesly Elizabeth Funez Perdomo has the following skills: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Outlook, Outlook, Administrative Assistants, Powerpoint, English, Customer Service, and Spanish.