Laurie M Valasek

Chief Financial Officer

We found the following information about Laurie M Valasek at Midland Cogeneration Venture Lp, where this expert has worked as a Chief Financial Officer since 2011. Laurie's total work experience is over 22 years, during which time this expert had at least seven jobs at different places to develop skills. Laurie studied at the University of Michigan - Flint from 1997 to 1997. Currently, Laurie M Valasek lives in Midland, Michigan. You can contact with Laurie by searching for phone number or email address or find further information by requesting access to the professional's additional details from us.
Name variants:
Laurence Valasek, Laura Valasek, Laureen Valasek, Laurel Valasek, Lorinda Valasek

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 6, 2022
Midland, MI


Chief Financial Officer

Midland, MI


Chemicals, Electric Services

Work History

Chief Financial Officer

100 east Progress Pl, Midland, MI 48640
Have worked at MCV since February 1997 in various capacities.
from Feb 2011


100 east Progress Pl, Midland, MI 48640
Oct 2004 — Feb 2011

Manager, Gas Planning and Hedging

100 east Progress Pl, Midland, MI 48640
Oct 1997 — Oct 2004

Natural Gas Accountant

100 east Progress Pl, Midland, MI 48640
Feb 1997 — Oct 1997

Accounting Manager

May 1992 — Feb 1997

Office Manager

Nov 1989 — May 1992

Chief Financial Officer

100 E Progress Pl, Midland, MI 48640



Financial Director
Financial Officer
Financial Manager


Mergers and Acquisitions
Project Finance
Due Diligence
Financial Analysis
Contract Negotiation
Financial Modeling
Risk Management
Financial Reporting
Treasury Management
Credit Analysis
Energy Derivatives

FAQs about Laurie M Valasek

What's the profession of Laurie M Valasek?

This professional's job is Chief Financial Officer

What jobs is Laurie M Valasek a professional at?

The expert is proficient at Executive and Financial Director jobs.

Where does Laurie M Valasek currently live?

Laurie M Valasek currently lives in Midland, Michigan.

What is Laurie M Valasek's email?

Laurie's email is lm**

How many companies did Laurie M Valasek work at?

The professional worked at seven jobs.

Where has Laurie M Valasek studied?

Laurie studied at the University of Michigan - Flint from 1997 to 1997.

What is professional industry that Laurie M Valasek worked in?

Laurie works in Oil & Energy industry.

What are professional skills of Laurie M Valasek?

This professional has the following skills: Mergers and Acquisitions, Project Finance, Gas, Due Diligence, Financial Analysis, Contract Negotiation, Forecasting, Financial Modeling, and Risk Management.