Laurie Matthews

Associate Director

Laurie Matthews has been a Associate Director in Harvd Bus Schl Student Asso, Inc. Furthermore, the person has professional experience at more than two companies in the relevant field. Nowadays the professional lives in Boston, Massachusetts region. Find Laurie Matthews's actual phone number and email with Connexy search.
Name variants:
Laurence Matthews, Laura Matthews, Laureen Matthews, Laurel Matthews, Lorinda Matthews

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 4, 2022
Boston, MA


Associate Director

Boston, MA


College/University, Books-Publishing/Printing

Work History

Associate Director

Soldiers Fld Rd, Boston, MA 02163

Associate Director

Soldiers Fld Rd, Boston, MA 02163


Deputy Director
Deputy Manager
Chief Executive

FAQs about Laurie Matthews

What's the main profession of Laurie Matthews?

This professional's job is Associate Director

What jobs is Laurie Matthews a professional at?

The expert is proficient at Executive and Deputy Director jobs.

Where does Laurie Matthews currently live?

Laurie Matthews currently lives in Boston, Massachusetts.

Where did Laurie Matthews work?

The expert worked at Harvd Bus Schl Student Asso, Inc, Harvard Business School.