Kim Tsujimoto

General Manager R&D, Consumer Business Laboratory, APAC & China

We found the following information about Kim Tsujimoto at 3M, where Kim Tsujimoto has worked as a General Manager R&D, Consumer Business Laboratory, APAC & China since 2013. Kim's total work experience is over 32 years, during which time Kim had at least two jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Kim studied at the Stanford University from 1987 to 1991. You can contact with Kim by looking for phone number or email or find additional info by requesting access to the professional's further details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Kimberley Tsujimoto, Kimberly Tsujimoto

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016


General Manager R&D, Consumer Business Laboratory, APAC & China

Saint Paul, MN


Mechanical or Industrial Engineering

Work History

General Manager R&D, Consumer Business Laboratory, APAC & China

Shanghai, China
from Jan 2013

Laboratory Manager

Construction and Home Improvement Markets Division (CHIM); R&D, New Product Development, Technical Service, Product Quality and Maintenance
from Jan 1992


1987 — 1991
1983 — 1987


Chief Executive Officer
Laboratory Management Professional
Sales Specialist
Consumer Goods Professional
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive
Laboratory Scientist
Commodities Clerk
Brokerage Clerk

FAQs about Kim Tsujimoto

What's the profession of Kim Tsujimoto?

This professional's job is General Manager R&D, Consumer Business Laboratory, APAC & China

What jobs is Kim Tsujimoto a professional at?

The expert is proficient at Executive and Chief Executive Officer jobs.

Where did Kim Tsujimoto work?

Kim worked at 3M, 3M.

Where has Kim Tsujimoto studied?

Kim studied at the Stanford University from 1987 to 1991.

Are there any special industries, that Kim Tsujimoto is connected to?

Kim works in Consumer Goods industry.