Kevin Wilkerson

Owner, NAI Capital Realty

Kevin Wilkerson has been a Owner at NAI Capital Realty. Additionally, this professional has on-the-job experience at more than two companies using similar skills. Kevin has a total work experience of 13+ years. Kevin Wilkerson studied at the University of Kansas from 1984 to 1988. Now the professional lives in Kansas City, Missouri region. Find this expert's current phone and email with our search.
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Kev Wilkerson

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 5, 2016
Kansas City, MO



Kansas City, MO


Real Estate Agent/Manager

Work History

Principal / Senior Vice President

Responsible for the development business in Kansas City and St. Louis and provided brokerage services in the Kansas City area
May 1994 — Apr 2007


1984 — 1988


Real Estate Broker
Licensed Real Estate Broker
School Principal
Senior Vice President
Chief Executive
Property Manager
Real Estate Manager
School Administrator
Educational Manager
Vice President

FAQs about Kevin Wilkerson

What's the main profession of Kevin Wilkerson?

The expert is a Owner, NAI Capital Realty.

What jobs is Kevin Wilkerson proficient at at?

Kevin is proficient at Executive and Owner jobs.

Where does Kevin Wilkerson live?

Kevin Wilkerson currently lives in Kansas City, Missouri.

How many companies did Kevin Wilkerson work at?

Kevin Wilkerson worked at two jobs.

Does Kevin Wilkerson have personal webpage or blog?

The expert`s website is

Where has Kevin Wilkerson studied?

Kevin studied at the University of Kansas from 1984 to 1988.

What is professional industry that Kevin Wilkerson is connected to?

This professional works in Commercial Real Estate industry.