Kevin Coenen

VP Business Development-MW

We found the following information about Kevin Coenen at PromoWorks, where Kevin has worked as a VP Business Development-MW since 2004. Kevin's total work experience is over nine years, during which time this expert had at least three jobs at different companies to develop skills. Kevin studied at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh from 1979 to 1984. Currently, Kevin Coenen lives in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. You can contact with Kevin by searching for phone number or email or find further information by requesting access to the professional's further details.
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Kev Coenen

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jan 30, 2016
Oshkosh, WI


VP Business Development-MW

Itasca, IL


Marketing and Advertising

Work History

VP Business Development-MW

a solutions provider to major consumer goods companies
from Feb 2004

Business Development Mangaer

-Sold point of sale and promotional printoing to major consumer goods manufacturers -Managed independent manufacturers groups that sold SLP's capabilities ti all classes of trade.
Mar 1995 — Jan 2004


50 W Fernau Ave, Oshkosh, WI 54901



Vice President
Sales Specialist
Consumer Goods Professional
Advertising Professional
Chief Executive
Commodities Clerk
Brokerage Clerk
Advertising Sales Agent

FAQs about Kevin Coenen

What's the main profession of Kevin Coenen?

This professional's job is VP Business Development-MW

What are the main profession of Kevin?

These person's professions are Executive and Vice President

Where does Kevin Coenen currently live?

Oshkosh, Wisconsin is the place where Kevin Coenen currently lives

Where did Kevin Coenen work?

The expert worked at PromoWorks, Service Litho Print.

What education does Kevin Coenen have?

Kevin studied at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh from 1979 to 1984.

Are there any professional industries, that Kevin Coenen is connected to?

Kevin works in Marketing and Advertising industry.