Kenny Herrera

Ehs Director

We found the following information about Kenny Herrera at R&H Construction, where the professional has worked as a Ehs Director since 2020. Kenny's total work experience is over four years, during which time the professional had at least three jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Kenny studied at the George Fox University from 2005 to 2007. Currently, Kenny is located in Vancouver, Washington. You can contact with Kenny by looking for phone number or email address or find exhaustive information by requesting access to Kenny Herrera's further details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Kendall Herrera, Kendrick Herrera, Kenneth Herrera, Kent Herrera

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 23, 2022
ke**, kh**, kh**
Vancouver, WA


R&H Construction
Ehs Director

Portland, OR


Construction, Nonresidential Construction Residential Construction, New Single-Family General Contrs, Residential Building Construction

Work History

Ehs Director

1530 southwest Taylor St, Portland, OR 97205
from Jul 2020

Director, Safety Services at Southwest Washington Medical Center

Sep 2004 — Mar 2008

Director, Safety Services


Operations Manager


Construction Safety
Hazardous Materials
Construction Management
Contract Management
Environmental Awareness
Emergency Management
Project Planning
Safety Management Systems
Industrial Safety
Program Management
Occupational Health
Accident Investigation
Iso 14001
Workplace Safety
Industrial Hygiene
Hazard Recognition
Hazard Analysis
Risk Assessment
Fire Safety
Supervisory Skills
Pre Construction
Behavior Based Safety
Value Engineering
Environmental Compliance
Osha 30 Hour
Safety Training
Executive Coaching
Situational Awareness
Conscious Business
Emotional Intelligence
Educational Leadership
Strategic Partnerships
Strategic Leadership
Team Motivation
Technical Leadership
Team Leadership
Team Building
Organizational Leadership

FAQs about Kenny Herrera

What's the main profession of Kenny Herrera?

This professional's job is Ehs Director

What jobs is Kenny Herrera a professional at?

Kenny Herrera is proficient at Executive and Director jobs.

Where does Kenny Herrera live?

Vancouver, Washington is the place where Kenny Herrera currently lives

Does Kenny have the email address?

ke** and kh** is The professional's email address.

How many companies did Kenny Herrera work at?

Kenny Herrera worked at three jobs.

Where has Kenny Herrera studied?

Kenny studied at the George Fox University from 2005 to 2007.

What is the industry that Kenny Herrera is connected to?

This person works in Hospital & Health Care industry.

Are there any professional skills Kenny Herrera has?

This professional has skills in the following areas: Ehs, Construction, Construction Safety, Hazardous Materials, Construction Management, Contract Management, Environmental Awareness, and Emergency Management.