Ken Runion

Project Manager

We found the following information about Ken Runion at Pacific Gas & Electric / Pg&E, where Ken has worked as a Project Manager since 2000. Ken's total work experience is over 11 years, during which time this expert had at least three jobs at different companies to develop skills. Currently, Ken Runion is located in Phoenix, Arizona. You can contact with Ken by searching for phone or email address or find further info by requesting access to Ken Runion's further details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Kendall Runion, Kendrick Runion, Kenneth Runion, Kent Runion

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Phoenix, AZ


Project Manager

Vallejo, CA


Computer Software

Work History

Project Manager

2430 Camino Ramon Blvd, San Ramon, CA
2000 — 2011

Project Manager

2430 Camino Ramon Blvd, San Ramon, CA

Project Manager


Project Manager
Civil Engineering
Project Managers


Mass Grading Expert For Large Master Planned Communities

FAQs about Ken Runion

What's the profession of Ken Runion?

This professional's job is Project Manager

What jobs is Ken Runion proficient at at?

Ken is a professional Project Manager jobs.

Where is Ken Runion currently located?

The expert is located in Phoenix, Arizona.

How many companies did Ken Runion work at?

Ken Runion worked at three jobs.

Are there any special industries, that Ken Runion is connected to?

Ken works in Civil Engineering industry.

What are special skills of Ken Runion?

Ken has skills in the following areas: Mass Grading Expert For Large Master Planned Communities.