Ken Gill

VP Marketing and Business Development

We found the following information about Ken Gill at Perftech, Inc., where this expert has worked as a VP Marketing and Business Development since 2006. Ken's total work experience is over 12 years, during which time this person had at least four jobs at different places to develop skills. Ken studied at the University of Minnesota from 1989 to 1990. Chicago, Illinois is the place where this professional presently lives. You can contact with Ken by searching for phone number or email address or get exhaustive information by requesting access to Ken Gill's details from us.
Name variants:
Kendall Gill, Kendrick Gill, Kenneth Gill, Kent Gill

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Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Chicago, IL


PerfTech, Inc.
VP Marketing and Business Development



Work History

VP Marketing and Business Development

Responsible for all Marketing activities, New Business Development and selected key account management at this specialty flexible packaging converter.
from Nov 2006

Chief Operating Officer

Reporting to CEO of parent company, was responsible for all facets of this privately held specialty flexible packaging converter. Supervised staff of 25 including Production, Sales, Accounti...
2001 — 2003

Business Development Manager

Responsible for managing companie's entree into emerging market segment. Functions included identifying key prospects, competitors, product needs, price points and selection of capital asset...
1999 — 2001

Sales Management

Sales rep for US organization progressing through Sales Manager, Area Business Manager then to International Sales Manager, Region Americas
1990 — 1998


1989 — 1990
1983 — 1987


Vice President of Marketing
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Executive Officer
Customer Service
Sales Specialist
Client Service Officer
Vice President
Chief Executive
General and Operations Manager
Corporate Executive

FAQs about Ken Gill

What is the profession of Ken Gill?

This professional's job is VP Marketing and Business Development

What jobs is Ken Gill a professional at?

Ken Gill is proficient at Executive and Vice President of Marketing jobs.

Where is Ken Gill located?

Ken Gill is located in Chicago, Illinois.

How many companies did Ken Gill work at?

Ken Gill worked at four jobs.

Where has Ken Gill studied?

Ken studied at the University of Minnesota from 1989 to 1990.

Are there any special industries, that Ken Gill works in?

This person works in Packaging and Containers industry.