Katie Ward

Katie Ward

Project Manager at Incite

We found the following information about Katie Ward at INCITE - Social Impact Marketing, where Katie Ward has worked as a Project Manager since 2010. Katie's total work experience is over three years, during which time this professional had at least seven jobs at different places to develop skills. Katie studied at the University of Missouri-Columbia from 2006 to 2010. Currently, Katie Ward lives in Saint Louis, Missouri. You can contact with Katie by looking for phone number or email address or find additional information by requesting access to this professional's further details.
Name variants:
Katherine Ward, Kathleen Ward, Katja Ward

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 5, 2016
Saint Louis, MO


INCITE - Social Impact Marketing
Project Manager

Indianapolis, IN


Marketing and Advertising

Work History

Project Manager

St. Louis
from Sep 2010

Community Outreach Coordinator

Created public outreach campaigns by brainstorming ideas, developing print and interactive materials, and corresponding directly with client. Worked directly with community-focused corporati...
from Sep 2010

Corporate Sponsorship Intern

Researched sponsorship opportunities among both locally and nationally based companies. Executed in-game sponsorship features. Worked side-by-side with sponsorship team in developing client ...
Jul 2010 — Oct 2010

Stage Manager

Assisted on-air personalities during broadcasts of University of Missouri-Columbia men’s basketball, baseball, and women’s gymnastics. Managed sponsors’ cues and post-game broadcasts.
Nov 2007 — Apr 2010

Production Intern

Assisted in production of on-air features. Logged tape footage of St. Louis Cardinals and St. Louis Blues games. Wrote shot sheets for Cardinals post-game highlights. Assisted on-air persona...
May 2009 — Aug 2009

Promotions and Marketing Intern

Coordinated and assisted in planning of station events and remote broadcasts. Assisted in execution of station events and remote broadcasts. Participated in promotional brainstorm sessions. ...
May 2008 — Aug 2008

Promotions Intern

Worked side-by-side with the On-Air Promotions team producing news briefs and prime time television show previews. Assisted in the production of a number of broadcast promotions and the stag...
May 2007 — Aug 2007



Project Manager
Outreach Coordinator
Project Managers
Social Workers

FAQs about Katie Ward

What is the main profession of Katie Ward?

This professional's job is Project Manager at Incite

What are the main profession of Katie Ward?

These person's professions are Project Manager

Where does Katie Ward currently live?

Saint Louis, Missouri is the place where Katie Ward currently lives

Where did Katie Ward work?

Katie Ward worked at INCITE - Social Impact Marketing, Emmis Communications.

Does Katie Ward have personal webpage or blog?

The expert`s website is http://www.inciteimpact.com.

Where has Katie Ward studied?

Katie studied at the University of Missouri-Columbia from 2006 to 2010.

What are the awards Katie Ward ever received?

This person received awards and these awards are: Senior Capstone project won grant from the University of Missouri-Columbia to implement SHAPE (Sexual Health Advocacy Peer Education) campaign on campus during the Fall 2010 semester. Small Changes for Health, a web-based behavior-modification program to promote physical fitness (in conjunction with the St. Louis City Department of Health and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation) won national award for Best Case Study from the Center for Sales Strategy in 2011..

What is professional industry that Katie Ward is connected to?

This person works in Broadcast Media industry.