Kathy Congini

Legal Administrator and Executive Assistant To Vice President House Counsel Legal Division

We found the following information about Kathy Congini at Nationwide Insurance Company, where this professional has worked as a Senior Administrative Assistant since 2005. Kathy's total work experience is over five years, during which time Kathy Congini had at least two jobs at different places to develop skills. Currently, Kathy Congini is located in Columbus, Ohio. You can contact with Kathy by looking for phone or email or find further information by requesting access to this expert's further details from us.
Name variants:
Katherine Congini, Kathleen Congini

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 23, 2022
Columbus, OH


Senior Administrative Assistant



Work History

Senior Administrative Assistant

Assistant to the Claims and Sales Associate Vice Presdents - duties included monitoring email activity, scheduling meetings, calendaring, monthly reports and coordinating auto drive in claim...
Apr 2005 — Feb 2010

Legal Administrator and Executive Assistant To Vice President House Counsel Legal Division

518 east Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215
In 1921, State Automobile Mutual Insurance Company was founded. With three employees and a rented room in downtown Columbus, Ohio, Bob Pein set forth to tackle the inequities in the insuranc...
from Feb 2010


Legal Administrator
Office Assistant
Vice President
Administrative Associate
Sales Specialist
Sales Account Associate
Doctor of Medicine
Office Clerk
Clerical Specialist
Chief Executive
Administrative Clerk
Sales Executive
Sales Manager


Microsoft Office
Risk Management
Commercial Insurance
Social Media
Business Analysis
Process Improvement
Property and Casualty Insurance
Health Insurance
Employee Benefits

FAQs about Kathy Congini

What's the main profession of Kathy Congini?

Kathy Congini is a Legal Administrator and Executive Assistant To Vice President House Counsel Legal Division.

What jobs is Kathy Congini proficient at at?

The expert is proficient at such jobs as Lawyer and Legal Administrator.

Where does Kathy Congini live?

Columbus, Ohio is the place where Kathy Congini lives

What is Kathy Congini's email?

Kathy Congini's email is ka**@stateauto.com.

Where did Kathy Congini work?

The expert worked at Nationwide Insurance Company, State Auto Insurance.

Are there any special industries, that Kathy Congini works in?

This person works in Insurance industry.

Are there any skills Kathy Congini has?

Kathy has skills in the following areas: Microsoft Office, Risk Management, Commercial Insurance, Underwriting, Social Media, Powerpoint, Business Analysis, Training, Insurance, and Process Improvement.