Karina Goldberg

Apparel & Fashion

We found the following information about Karina Goldberg at Fashion Snoops, where the professional has worked as a Director of Business Development since 2010. Karina's total work experience is over 12 years, during which time Karina had at least eight jobs at different companies to develop skills. Karina studied at the Fachhochschule für Oekonomie und Management Essen from 2005 to 2007. Currently, Karina Goldberg is located in New York, New York. You can contact with Karina by searching for phone or email or get exhaustive info by requesting access to the professional's additional details from us.
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Karina Goldberg

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
New York, NY


Fashion Snoops
Director of Business Development

New York, NY


Apparel & Fashion

Work History

Director of Business Development

Established in 2001, Fashion Snoops offers its customers a unique and attractive combination of up-to-the-minute trend knowledge and unmatched global research power. Fashion Snoops (www.fash...
from Jun 2010

VP Marketing

Nation-E AG, the Swiss company for scalable storage, smart metering and load levelling solutions, now introducing the first in the world, mobile charging invention – NationMobile ...
from Feb 2009

VP Marketing and Business Development

Micro Finance Investment AG is a Swiss-based private equity fund that invests predominantly in clean tech technologies and projects, as well as infrastructure.
Jan 2009 — Sep 2010

International Brand and Marketing Manager

International Affairs Brand & Marketing Manager Consulting and co-developing all marketing activities including Season Ticket campaigns, sponsorship and business development activities, ...
Sep 2008 — Jun 2010

Brand Manager and Merchandising

Heart of Midlothian Football Club is one of UK’s Top 20 football clubs, and is considered as the third force in Scottish football. Creation of the owner’s own brand, wh...
Mar 2006 — Jul 2008

Marketing Manager

Globe Reisen is a German tour operator with major interest in the Russian market. Developed and implemented marketing campaigns to increase awareness and develop a stronger company positioni...
Aug 2004 — Feb 2006

Events and Sponsorship - Freelancer

Sep 2004 — Aug 2005


I-mage Communications (London), Ahrens und Bimboise (Frankfurt), Millward Brown (London and Frankfurt), RussianLondon.Com (London) and FashionTV (London)... Wrote press releases, and liaised...
Jul 2000 — Apr 2004


Director of Business Development
Vice President of Marketing
Business Development Manager
Operations Manager
Vice President
Chief Executive


Sports Marketing
Fashion & Sports Merchandising
International Brand Management

FAQs about Karina Goldberg

What is the profession of Karina Goldberg?

This professional's job is Apparel & Fashion

What jobs is Karina Goldberg a professional at?

Karina is a professional such jobs as Executive and Director of Business Development.

Where is Karina Goldberg currently located?

The expert is currently located in New York, New York.

How many companies did Karina Goldberg work at?

The professional worked at eight jobs.

Does Karina Goldberg have personal website or blog?

This expert`s website is http://www.goldbergstyle.com/, http://goldbergstyle.blogspot.com/, and http://www.fcmn.co.il.

Where has Karina Goldberg studied?

Karina studied at the Fachhochschule für Oekonomie und Management Essen from 2005 to 2007.

Are there any special awards Karina Goldberg received?

This person received awards and these awards are: Top10 of the Scottish Most Wanted 2007.

What are professional skills of Karina Goldberg?

This professional has the following skills: Sports Marketing, Fashion & Sports Merchandising, and International Brand Management.