Karen Mccreary

Executive Director

We found the following information about Karen Mccreary at University of Utah, where the professional has worked as a Senior Assoc.general Counsel and Consultant since 1991. Karen's total work experience is over 16 years, during which time Karen Mccreary had at least three jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Karen studied at the University of Utah S.j. Quinney College of Law from 1981 to 1984. Currently, Karen is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. You can contact with Karen by looking for phone or email or find full info by requesting access to the person's further details from us.
Name variants:
Karin Mccreary, Karyn Mccreary, Kari Mccreary, Karrie Mccreary

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
Salt Lake City, UT


University of Utah - Employment
Senior Assoc.general Counsel and Consultant

Salt Lake City, UT


Higher Education

Work History

Senior Assoc.general Counsel and Consultant

201 Presidents Cir, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Feb 1991 — Oct 2006

Executive Director

from 2006

General Counsel

4001 south East Pl SUITE 700, Salt Lake City, UT 84102
2005 — 2006


Chief Executive Officer
Supporting Member
General Counsel
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive
Team Member
Of Counsel
Legal Counsel

FAQs about Karen Mccreary

What is the main profession of Karen Mccreary?

This professional's job is Executive Director

What jobs is Karen Mccreary a professional at?

Karen is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Chief Executive Officer.

Where does Karen Mccreary currently live?

Salt Lake City, Utah is the place where Karen Mccreary currently lives

What is Karen Mccreary's email?

Karen's email is ka**@comcast.net.

Where did Karen Mccreary work?

Karen Mccreary worked at University of Utah, American Civil Liberties Union of Utah.

Where has Karen Mccreary studied?

Karen studied at the University of Utah S.j. Quinney College of Law from 1981 to 1984.

Are there any professional industries Karen Mccreary works in?

Karen works in Legal Services industry.