Karen Lockner

Founder and President, Fund Raisers, Ltd.

We found the following information about Karen Lockner at Fund Raisers, Ltd., where this person has worked as a President since 1987. Karen's total work experience is over eight years, during which time they had at least two jobs at different companies to develop skills. Karen studied at the Arizona State University. Currently, Karen is located in Boise, Idaho. You can contact with Karen by searching for phone number or email or get further info by requesting access to Karen Lockner's further details.
Name variants:
Karin Lockner, Karyn Lockner, Kari Lockner, Karrie Lockner

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 4, 2016
Boise, ID



Garden City, ID


Business Services

Work History


Boise, Idaho
Founded. in 1987, Fund Raisers, Ltd. has evolved from a brick engraving company to a full service company offering fundraising consulting, donor recognition products, fulfillment, warehouse...
from Feb 1987


Feb 1979 — Apr 1987


Customer Service
Sales Specialist
Client Service Officer
Founding Member
Chief Executive

FAQs about Karen Lockner

What is the main profession of Karen Lockner?

This professional's job is Founder and President, Fund Raisers, Ltd.

What are the main profession of The professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Founder

Where is Karen Lockner currently located?

Karen Lockner is located in Boise, Idaho.

How many companies did Karen Lockner work at?

Karen Lockner worked at two jobs.

Does Karen Lockner have personal webpage or blog?

Karen Lockner`s website is http://www.fundraisersltd.net.

Where has Karen Lockner studied?

Karen studied at the Arizona State University.

Are there any special industries, that Karen Lockner works in?

This person works in Sports industry.