Journey Macfarlane

Executive Assistant to the President & CEO

We found the following information about Journey Macfarlane at Theatre Under The Stars, where the professional has worked as a Executive Assistant to the President & CEO since 2007. Journey's total work experience is over eight years, during which time this professional had at least three jobs at different places to develop skills. Journey studied at the University of Florida from 1998 to 2000. Journey currently is located in Houston, Texas. You can contact with Journey by looking for phone number or email address or find additional information by requesting access to the person's further details.
Name variants:
Journey Macfarlane

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Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Houston, TX


Theatre Under The Stars
Executive Assistant to the President & CEO

Houston, TX


Performing Arts, Theater Companies & Dinner Theaters, Nonresidential Building Operators

Work History

Executive Assistant to the President & CEO

from Feb 2007

Coordinator, Leading Ladies

Houston, Texas Area
May 2008 — Oct 2012

Production Specialist - DKNY Jeans/Juniors

Feb 2002 — Dec 2006


1998 — 2000
1996 — 1998


Assistant to the President
Chief Executive Officer
Administrative Associate
Clerical Specialist
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive

FAQs about Journey Macfarlane

What's the main profession of Journey Macfarlane?

This professional's job is Executive Assistant to the President & CEO

What are the main profession of This professional?

These person's professions are Assistant to the President

Where does Journey Macfarlane currently live?

Houston, Texas is the place where Journey Macfarlane lives

How many companies did Journey Macfarlane work at?

Journey Macfarlane worked at three jobs.

What education does Journey Macfarlane have?

Journey studied at the University of Florida from 1998 to 2000.

What is professional industry that Journey Macfarlane is connected to?

This professional works in Performing Arts industry.