John White

Business Services Manager

We found the following information about John White at Louisiana State Supreme Court, where John White has worked as a Business Services Manager since 2008. John's total work experience is over three years, during which time John had at least four jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. John studied at the University of Southern Mississippi from 1977 to 1981. John White currently is located in New Orleans, Louisiana. You can contact with John by looking for phone number or email address or get additional info by requesting access to this professional's additional details from us.
Name variants:
Johnn White, Jon White, Jack White, Jackie White, Jacky White, Johnny White

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 12, 2022
jw**, jw**
New Orleans, LA


Louisiana Supreme Court
Business Services Manager

New Orleans, LA



Work History

Business Services Manager

from Nov 2008

Accounting Manager

May 2007 — May 2008

Director of Finance

May 2005 — May 2007

Fiscal Manager

400 Royal St SUITE 1190, New Orleans, LA 70130
The Louisiana Constitution distributes the powers of government of the State of Louisiana into three separate branches -- legislative, executive and judicial. Except as provided by the Const...



Government Official
Government Administration Professional
Operations Manager
Community Service Manager


Financial Reporting
Financial Management
Financial Accounting

FAQs about John White

What is the main profession of John White?

John White is a Business Services Manager.

What jobs is John White proficient at at?

John White is proficient at Executive and Manager jobs.

Where is John White currently located?

John White is located in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Does the expert have the email address?

jw** and jw** is John White's email address.

Where did John White work?

The professional worked at Louisiana State Supreme Court, Urban League of Greater New Orleans.

Where has John White studied?

John studied at the University of Southern Mississippi from 1977 to 1981.

What is professional industry that John White worked in?

This professional works in Judiciary industry.

What are the skills of John White?

John has such skills as Accounting, Financial Reporting, Budgeting, Financial Management, and Financial Accounting.