Jim Milks

Business Owner

We found the following information about Jim Milks at Wilmington College, where this professional has worked as a Adjunct Professor of Biology since 2010. Jim's total work experience is over eight years, during which time they had at least four jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Jim studied at the Wright State University from 2004 to 2012. Jim currently lives in Dayton, Ohio. You can contact with Jim by looking for phone or email address or get further information by requesting access to Jim Milks's additional details from us.
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James Milks

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Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
Dayton, OH


Wilmington College
Adjunct Professor of Biology

Wilmington, OH


Higher Education, College/University, Colleges & Universities

Work History

Adjunct Professor of Biology

1870 Quaker Way, Wilmington, OH 45177
Courses Taught ENV 133 Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Science BIO 232 Life Processes of Higher Organisms
Aug 2010 — May 2011

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Dayton, OH
Taught laboratory courses for BIO 105 Introductory Biology: Food BIO 107 Introductory Biology: Disease BIO 111 Principles of Biology: Human Biology BIO 112 Principles of Biology: Cell B...
Sep 2005 — Jun 2010

Interim Instructor of Biology

Piqua, OH
Taught BIOS 121 Introduction to Biology: Cells, Genetics, and Evolution BIOS 122 Introduction to Biology: Animals, Plants, and Ecology BIOS 124 Human Biology
Aug 2002 — Aug 2003

Adjunct Instructor of Biology

Piqua, OH
Taught BIOS 121 Introduction to Biology: Cells, Genetics, and Evolution BIOS 122 Introduction to Biology: Animals, Plants, and Ecology BIOS 124 Human Biology
Aug 2001 — Aug 2002


2004 — 2012
1996 — 1999
1988 — 1992


Associate Professor
Teaching Assistant
Educational Assistant Teacher
Chief Executive
Postsecondary Teacher


Cell Biology
Environmental Science
Climate Change
Evolutionary Biology
Plant Physiology
Animal Physiology
Microsoft Office
Public Speaking
Microsoft Word
Data Analysis
Molecular Biology
Higher Education

FAQs about Jim Milks

What is the main profession of Jim Milks?

This professional's job is Business Owner

What are the profession of Jim Milks?

These person's professions are Executive and Owner

Where does Jim Milks currently live?

Dayton, Ohio is the place where Jim Milks lives

What is Jim Milks's email?

Jim's email is jr**@yahoo.com.

How many companies did Jim Milks work at?

Jim Milks worked at four jobs.

Where has Jim Milks studied?

Jim studied at the Wright State University from 2004 to 2012.

What is professional industry that Jim Milks worked in?

Jim Milks works in Higher Education industry.

Are there any professional skills Jim Milks has?

Jim has the following skills: Genetics, Cell Biology, Environmental Science, Ecology, Biology, Biogeography, Climate Change, Evolutionary Biology, Plant Physiology, and Animal Physiology.