Jim Cobb

Department Manager, Senior Designer & IT Network Liaison

We found the following information about Jim Cobb at Warren Trask Company, where the professional has worked as a Engineering Department Manager since 1996. Jim's total work experience is over seven years, during which time they had at least four jobs at different places to develop skills. Jim studied at the Northeastern University to 1995. Currently, Jim Cobb is located in Boston, Massachusetts. You can contact with Jim by searching for phone or email or get full info by requesting access to this person's further details from us.
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James Cobb

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jan 29, 2016
Boston, MA


Engineering Department Manager

Stoughton, MA


Building Materials, Nonclassifiable Establishments, Whol Lumber/Plywood/Millwork, Lumber & Wood Merchant Whols

Work History

Engineering Department Manager

Stoughton, Massachusetts 02072
Manage the day to day operations of the engineering department - coordinate and assign projects - provide technical training for engineering, sales and clients - report directly to the co...
from Mar 1996

Senior Designer

Stoughton, Massachusetts 01886
Senior Designer Design and specify structural engineered wood products in both residential and commercial construction - provide advanced engineering for special projects and high profile c...
from 1996

IT Network Liaison

Stoughton, Massachusetts 02072
IT Network Liaison Oversee our current network infrastructure and provide both assisted and unassisted technical support. - liaison for our current network management vendors - provide pur...
from 1996

Regional Product Manager and Technical Training Manager

Engineered Wood Products Again, involved in the beginning of a wholesale distribution program promoting various engineered wood products Major contributor to the growth and expansion of oper...
Jan 1989 — Jan 1996


Department Manager
Department Supervisor
Operations Manager
Chief Executive

FAQs about Jim Cobb

What's the profession of Jim Cobb?

This professional's job is Department Manager, Senior Designer & IT Network Liaison

What are the main profession of This professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Department Manager

Where is Jim Cobb located?

Jim Cobb is currently located in Boston, Massachusetts.

How many companies did Jim Cobb work at?

Jim Cobb worked at four jobs.

What education does Jim Cobb have?

Jim studied at the Northeastern University to 1995.

What is professional industry that Jim Cobb is connected to?

Jim Cobb works in Wholesale industry.