Jill Rodriguez

Senior Director - Investment Underwriting

We found the following information about Jill Rodriguez at E2M Partners Llc, where this professional has worked as a Senior Director - Investment Underwriting since 2000. Jill's total work experience is over two years, during which time Jill had at least two jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Jill studied at the Southern Methodist University. Jill Rodriguez can be found in Dallas, Texas – where this professional is currently located. You can find this expert's current email address and phone number with our search.
Name variants:
Gillian Rodriguez, Julia Rodriguez

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 3, 2022
Dallas, TX


Senior Director - Investment Underwriting


Venture Capital & Private Equity

Work History

Senior Director - Investment Underwriting

E2M Partners is a fully discretionary real estate investment fund manager based in Dallas, Texas, with over $500 million of equity capital invested across multiple funds. E2M invests capital...
from May 1, 2000


Jun 1998 — Mar 2000


Senior Director
Real Estate Broker
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Senior Manager
Operations Manager
Property Manager
Real Estate Manager


Asset Management
Asset Managment
Due Diligence
Financial Modeling
Investment Properties
Portfolio Management

FAQs about Jill Rodriguez

What is the profession of Jill Rodriguez?

This professional's job is Senior Director - Investment Underwriting

What jobs is Jill Rodriguez a professional at?

Jill Rodriguez is proficient at Executive and Senior Director jobs.

Where does Jill Rodriguez live?

Dallas, Texas is the place where Jill Rodriguez currently lives

Does the professional have the email address?

ji**@e2mpartners.com is The professional's email address.

How many companies did Jill Rodriguez work at?

Jill Rodriguez worked at two jobs.

Where has Jill Rodriguez studied?

Jill studied at the Southern Methodist University.

Are there any professional industries, that Jill Rodriguez is connected to?

Jill works in Commercial Real Estate industry.

Are there any skills Jill Rodriguez has?

This person has skills in the following areas: Asset Management, Asset Managment, Due Diligence, Financial Modeling, Investment Properties, Portfolio Management, and Valuation.