Jen Morgan

Account Manager

We found the following information about Jen Morgan at Esprit Whispering Ridge, where Jen Morgan has worked as a Life Enrichment Manager since 2012. Jen's total work experience is over six years, during which time Jen had at least two jobs at different places to develop skills. Jen studied at the Midland Lutheran College from 1999 to 2001. Jen Morgan currently lives in Omaha, Nebraska. You can contact with Jen by searching for phone number or email or get additional information by requesting access to Jen's additional details from us.
Name variants:
Jane Morgan, Jennifer Morgan

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 12, 2022
Omaha, NE


Life Enrichment Manager

Omaha, NE

Work History

Life Enrichment Manager

from Dec 2012

Service Coordinator

Dec 2006 — Dec 2012


Account Manager
Health Specialist
Hospital Care Professional
Operations Manager
Health Professional
Health Practitioner


Vendor Management
Active Directory
Team Management
Business Process
Project Management
Process Improvement

FAQs about Jen Morgan

What's the profession of Jen Morgan?

This professional's job is Account Manager

What jobs is Jen a professional at?

Jen Morgan is a professional such jobs as Accountant and Account Manager.

Where does Jen Morgan live?

Jen Morgan lives in Omaha, Nebraska.

How many companies did Jen Morgan work at?

The professional worked at two jobs.

Where has Jen Morgan studied?

Jen studied at the Midland Lutheran College from 1999 to 2001.

Are there any special industries Jen Morgan is connected to?

Jen works in Hospital & Health Care industry.

What are professional skills of Jen Morgan?

Jen has skills in the following areas: Vendor Management, Active Directory, Team Management, Business Process, Project Management, Process Improvement, and Recruiting.