Jeffrey Mosley

Director, Technical Assistance and Training Division

We found the following information about Jeffrey Mosley at Housing Assistance Council, where this professional has worked as a Director, Technical Assistance and Training Division since 2008. Jeffrey's total work experience is over 24 years, during which time they had at least six jobs at different places to develop skills. Jeffrey studied at the Parsons School of Design - the New School from 1988 to 1991. Currently, Jeffrey is located in Washington, DC. You can contact with Jeffrey by looking for phone number or email address or get further information by requesting access to this professional's additional details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Jeffery Mosley, Geoffrey Mosley, Jeff Mosley

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 15, 2022
je**, je**
Washington, DC


Housing Assistance Council
Director, Technical Assistance and Training Division

Washington, DC


Nonprofit Organization Management

Work History

Director, Technical Assistance and Training Division

from Jul 2008

Senior Program Director

501 7Th Ave, New York, NY 10001
1994 — 2008

Research Associate

1991 — 1994

Systems Analyst

1989 — 1991

Management Analyst

1987 — 1989

Planning Assistant

1984 — 1987



Organization Management
Senior Program Director
Operations Manager
Program Director


Community Development
Grant Writing
Public Policy
Affordable Housing
Community Outreach
Economic Development
Program Management
Program Evaluation
Board Development
Policy Analysis
Non Profits
Program Development
Event Planning
Project Management

FAQs about Jeffrey Mosley

What is the profession of Jeffrey Mosley?

This professional's job is Director, Technical Assistance and Training Division

What jobs is Jeffrey Mosley proficient at at?

The expert is proficient at Executive and Director jobs.

Where does Jeffrey Mosley live?

Washington, DC is the place where Jeffrey Mosley currently lives

What is Jeffrey Mosley's email?

Jeffrey Mosley's email is je** and je**

How many companies did Jeffrey Mosley work at?

Jeffrey Mosley worked at six jobs.

Where has Jeffrey Mosley studied?

Jeffrey studied at the Parsons School of Design - the New School from 1988 to 1991.

What is the industry that Jeffrey Mosley is connected to?

Jeffrey Mosley works in Non-Profit Organization Management industry.

Are there any skills, that Jeffrey Mosley has?

This professional has such skills as Grants, Community Development, Nonprofits, Grant Writing, Public Policy, Affordable Housing, Community Outreach, Economic Development, and Program Management.