Jeff Garrison

VP of Sales & Marketing

We found the following information about Jeff Garrison at Merit Resources, where this person has worked as a VP of Sales & Marketing since 2012. Jeff's total work experience is over 16 years, during which time this expert had at least four jobs at different places to develop skills. Jeff studied at the Drake University Law School from 1992 to 1995. Jeff currently lives in West Des Moines, Iowa. You can contact with Jeff by searching for phone number or email or find additional info by requesting access to their further details from us.
Name variants:
Geoffrey Garrison, Jefferson Garrison, Jeffrey Garrison

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
West Des Moines, IA


Merit Resources
VP of Sales & Marketing

West Des Moines, IA


Human Resources

Work History

VP of Sales & Marketing

Des Moines, Iowa Area
Merit Resources is one of the nation's largest and most comprehensive provider of HR Solutions. Merit Recruiting is a traditional executive search firm specializing in the recruitment of Sen...
from May 2012


Jan 2009 — May 2012


Nov 2000 — Dec 2008

Claims Project Manager

1995 — 2000


1986 — 1990


Vice President of Sales
HR Specialist
Human Resources Specialist
Training and Coaching Professional
Vice President
Chief Executive
Professional Development Teacher


Technical Recruiting
Direct Recruiting
Direct Sales
Strategic Planning
Public Speaking
Team Building
Customer Relations

FAQs about Jeff Garrison

What's the profession of Jeff Garrison?

This professional's job is VP of Sales & Marketing

What are the main profession of This expert?

These person's professions are Executive and Vice President of Sales

Where is Jeff Garrison currently located?

The expert is currently located in West Des Moines, Iowa.

Where did Jeff Garrison work?

The professional worked at Merit Resources, JCG Consulting/Sales Habitudes.

Does Jeff Garrison have personal website or blog?

Jeff Garrison`s website is,, and

What education does Jeff Garrison have?

Jeff studied at the Drake University Law School from 1992 to 1995.

What is professional industry that Jeff Garrison is connected to?

This person works in Professional Training & Coaching industry.

What are special skills of Jeff Garrison?

This professional has the following skills: Technical Recruiting, Direct Recruiting, Direct Sales, Strategic Planning, Public Speaking, Mentoring, Team Building, and Customer Relations.