Jeanne Lehrer

Unit Director Children's Behavioral Health and Children Division Clinical Director

We found the following information about Jeanne Lehrer at Northeast Treatment Centers, where Jeanne has worked as a Unit Director Children's Behavioral Health and Children Division Clinical Director since 2004. Jeanne's total work experience is over four years, during which time the professional had at least three jobs at different companies to develop skills. Jeanne studied at the Villanova University from 2007 to 2009. Jeanne currently lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. You can contact with Jeanne by looking for phone number or email address or get exhaustive information by requesting access to Jeanne Lehrer's further details from us.
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Jean Lehrer

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 7, 2022
Philadelphia, PA


Northeast Treatment Centers
Unit Director Children's Behavioral Health and Children Division Clinical Director


Mental Health Care

Work History

Unit Director Children's Behavioral Health and Children Division Clinical Director

Philadelphia, PA
Unit Director Children's Behavioral Health/Children Division Clinical Director
from Oct 2004

Clinical Director

4700 Wissahickon Ave SUITE 126, Philadelphia, PA 19144
2000 — 2004

Vice President Mental Health

Philadelphia, PA


2007 — 2009
Jan 1, 1986 — 1991
1984 — 1986
1980 — 1984


Operations Manager


Behavioral Health
Mental Health
Child Development
Clinical Research
Developmental Disabilities
Crisis Intervention
Family Therapy
Mental Health Counseling
Clinical Supervision
Social Services
Program Development
Program Evaluation
Case Managment

FAQs about Jeanne Lehrer

What's the main profession of Jeanne Lehrer?

Jeanne is a Unit Director Children's Behavioral Health and Children Division Clinical Director.

What jobs is Jeanne Lehrer proficient at at?

Jeanne Lehrer is a professional Executive and Director jobs.

Where does Jeanne Lehrer currently live?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is the place where Jeanne Lehrer lives

What is Jeanne's email?

Jeanne Lehrer's email is jl**

Where did Jeanne Lehrer work?

Jeanne Lehrer worked at Northeast Treatment Centers, Resources For Human Development.

What education does Jeanne Lehrer have?

Jeanne studied at the Villanova University from 2007 to 2009.

What is the industry that Jeanne Lehrer worked in?

This professional works in Mental Health Care industry.

Are there any special skills, that Jeanne Lehrer has?

This person has the following skills: Adolescents, Behavioral Health, Mental Health, Child Development, Clinical Research, Developmental Disabilities, Psychotherapy, and Psychology.