James A. Penn

President, Treasurer, Director

We found the following information about James A. Penn at Nebraska Church Goods Co Inc, where this expert has worked as a President, Treasurer, Director. James's total work experience is over zero years, during which time they had a job at one company to develop skills. James currently is located in Lincoln, Nebraska. You can contact with James by looking for phone or email or get further info by requesting access to their additional details from us.
Name variants:
Jaymes Penn, Jaimes Penn, Jim Penn, Jimmy Penn, Jimmie Penn, Jamie Penn, Jem Penn

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Contact Information

Last Update
Sep 11, 2015
Lincoln, NE


President, Treasurer, Director

Lincoln, NE


Whol Professional Equipment Whol Books/Newspapers Ret Misc Merchandise Ret Books

Work History

President, Treasurer, Director

1032 O St, Lincoln, NE 68508


Chief Executive
Financial Officer
Financial Manager
Operations Manager

FAQs about James A. Penn

What's the profession of James A. Penn?

This professional's job is President, Treasurer, Director

What jobs is James A. Penn proficient at at?

James A. Penn is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Chairperson.

Where does James A. Penn live?

James A. Penn currently lives in Lincoln, Nebraska.

How many companies did James A. Penn work at?

The professional worked at one jobs.