Jack Carter

All-Phase Electric Supply, Project Quotations Manager

We found the following information about Jack Carter at IHSAA, where this person has worked as a Basketball Official (Certified) Baseball and Fast Pitch Official (registered) since 2000. Jack's total work experience is over 24 years, during which time the professional had at least eight jobs at different places to develop skills. Currently, Jack Carter lives in Chicago, Illinois. You can contact with Jack by looking for phone number or email or find exhaustive info by requesting access to this person's additional details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Jackie Carter, Jacky Carter, Bud Carter

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Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Chicago, IL


Basketball Official (Certified) Baseball and Fast Pitch Official (registered)



Work History

Basketball Official (Certified) Baseball and Fast Pitch Official (registered)

Officiating basketball, baseball and fast pitch softball sporting events sanctioned by the IHSAA (Indiana High School Athletic Association).
from 2000

Project Quotations

Michigan City, Indiana
Primary responsibilities: Quotations Manager, Providing blue print "take off "services. Large Project quotations, whether it be large construction projects or industrial projects. It is my r...
from Oct 1999

Indiana State Umpire in Chief

Scheduling officials for tournaments across the state of Indiana. Instructing and educating officials on the rules of the game and the mechanics of officiating. Handling disciplinary actions...
2004 — 2010

Project Quotations

I have had many responsibilities with Wesco Starting with Outside contractor sales Specialist. To bring in more contractor business. After sales relations with contractors were improved I wa...
Feb 1995 — Oct 1999

Night Manager

. Working nights during my employment with Englewood and Kor-It Sales. I handled the scheduling of approximately 25 employees and handled all customer related problems.
Oct 1990 — Aug 1996

Branch Manager

My responsibilities were to handle all aspects of the business. Accounts receivable, Accounts payable, Personnel relations, Sales, and customer Service. I was also the acting Allen
May 1991 — Feb 1995

Outside sales representative

To develop new territories and new accounts. Also to maintain existing accounts. Sales were of fasteners, power tools, abrasives, and Other construction materials.
May 1989 — May 1991

Equipment Technician

I traveled around the United States, Mexico, and Canada installing and troubleshooting electronic filling, capping , labeling , and conveying Systems. Industry Training
May 1987 — May 1989


IT Professional
Web Designer
Operations Manager
Independent Business Owners
Website Developer

FAQs about Jack Carter

What's the profession of Jack Carter?

This professional's job is All-Phase Electric Supply, Project Quotations Manager

What jobs is Jack Carter a professional at?

The expert is a professional such jobs as Executive and Manager.

Where does Jack Carter currently live?

Jack Carter currently lives in Chicago, Illinois.

How many companies did Jack Carter work at?

Jack Carter worked at eight jobs.

Does Jack Carter have personal webpage or blog?

The expert`s website is http://www.playnsa.com.

What are the awards Jack Carter ever received?

This person received awards and these awards are: NSA Zone Umpire in Chief or the year, NSA 110%.

Are there any industries, that Jack Carter is connected to?

This professional works in Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing industry.